

5 Exercises for Totally Ripped Abs!

rapidrippedabs.com Free Report reveals how to get ripped abs in 39 mins a week! If you’re like most people, you think that the way to getting a phenomenal six-pack is through crunches, situps, and if you’re “smart” you’ll do flutter kicks or alternating kicks. Well this approach is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! I’ve been in sports nearly all my life and a strong core was necessary, especially in Tae Kwon Do when I was being kicked there several times a week. I could do hundreds of crunches and situps, but never really saw the six-pack I wanted. And I have around 6% body fat! I had achieved a tone midsection, but not very visible abs. I decided to break away from convention and add weight to my exercises and train my abs like any other muscle that I want to grow larger. Within weeks, I began to see size growth and a six-pack emerged that I couldn’t believe! Yet, I still looked around the gym and people were crunching away on the floors. I’m here to share with you 5 of my exercises that have built my totally ripped abs that many gym goers envy to this day. 1. Dual Pully Crunch 2. Rope Pulldown 3. Oblique Pulldown 4. Decline Situp 5. Weighted Leg Raise These 5 exercises are the foundation upon with I build my six-pack ab program. So if you really want totally ripped, pop-out abs, get off the mat and hit some weights! Read a more in depth explantion as to why this works and learn more about my full ab program at www.rapidrippedabs.com where I share the other two ingredients to a

www.nowloss.com This will give you ripped six pack abs but it will not make it so you can see your six pack abs so… You need to burn off belly fat so everybody else can see your ripped abs and to lose belly fat fast… I suggest you go to www.nowloss.com or you can go on one of my free fat loss plans at www.nowloss.com See 4 minute abs workout at: www.nowloss.com and full towel instructions for 6 pack abs (or abdominals at: www.nowloss.com and as always… Whether or not you want ripped six pack abs or to look better… Go to NowLoss.com to look good naked and remember… If you truly want everybody else to be able to see your ripped six pack abs… Go to www.nowloss.com

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49 pings

  1. templecpa2002 says:

    Not bad. The first 3 I don’t like because with cables there’s too many moving parts. I like simpler exercises like the 4th and 5th exercises. In fact today I did the crunches on the platform but instead of holding 2 dumbells, I put a 25 ib weight on my chest. For the leg raises, I can replicate the motion on an abdominal machine by pulling my legs up as I crunch down with my arms.

  2. brunswick14w says:

    Mr. graves i workout between an hour or more at the gym three times a week, while going to school. After my workout today i took one of those muscle milke shakes. After thinking about it i looked it up on the internet and saw your response on if the muscle milk really do anything for your body. i had read that after your workout, you should order a small chocolate frosty from wendy’s. do you recommend that to get protein after each work out ?

  3. QuincinBallo says:

    I was a lil skeptical about spending that
    kind of money for something ordered
    online. But I bit the bullet and I ordered
    that workout program at the site
    And after 3weeks under its program, it
    helped flexed my abdomen,so I say
    it does what it claims.

  4. andreyagami says:

    Very good workout for your suggestion skew knees. On foot I could not make a bo abdominal contraction. Greetings from your friends training in Brazil.

  5. fitwithmitch says:

    @NiklasAlexanderTV I usually shoot for the 12-15 rep range when I do weighted ab exercises and take short 15 to 30 second breaks between sets. For other muscles, if I want to build them, I do 8-12 reps to failure and wait 40-60 seconds between sets.

  6. fitwithmitch says:

    @McCherryParry Sorry for the late response. These exercises will help build abdominal muscle, but they won’t burn fat. You’ll need a calorie deficit to do that.

  7. ItalianBlackheart123 says:

    @omission13 Our “will” is very strong. According to mentally wise but physically its hard.But your right,people just need to stop being lazy..

  8. NiklasAlexanderTV says:

    Nice video! But when I am training at the gym, should I lift the weights like 10 times in a row, then a little break, 10 times in a row… or?

  9. McCherryParry says:

    Omg please respond, im not fit at all but im not fat lol but jow often do I gota do this to get a six pack.in ,3 months

  10. xBudRaDx says:

    I started working out 5 days a week. 2 days include ab exercise which include a few in this video. I also get about 4 miles of cardio in per week. I was never able to see my abs before or notice them and now I can slighty see them without pushing them forward. Weighted ab exercies + cardio + training all other muscles + tein = progress

  11. charlietangossss says:

    ok thank you very much how long do you think it would take to get an eigh pack if i do all my 5 hours of sport every week and 1 hour a week on a hard ab workout at the gym?? with an ok diet
    what width is your waist by the way??

  12. fitwithmitch says:

    @charlietangossss As far as ab workouts go, that’s really up to you. My abs aren’t stubborn so I get great ab development from working them hard 3 times a week. If you’re just starting out, you may need to work them everyday. I always suggest moving to weighted exercises once you master the basics. NO, doing ab exercises doesn’t burn fat off your abs (that’s what the cardio and food intake is for). NO, doing ab workouts won’t get you “fat abs”, just “ripped abs” once you have low body fat.

  13. fitwithmitch says:

    @charlietangossss It’s coo..I’m here to serve. Your level of activity sounds good. Batch your carb intake around your workouts so you’ll have energy and you won’t lose muscle. You still need to decrease your calories intake slightly (not too much) and monitor your progress from week to week. Your body will adjust. It’s better to lose fat slowly (it’ll stay gone) than to lose fat quickly (it’ll come right back).

  14. charlietangossss says:

    ok, thank you very much.. at the moment i do sport for 5 hours a week not including about an hour of cardio in the gym do you still think i should increase my cardio and, would it still be adviseable to do specific big ab workouts ?? because some people tell me you shouldnt do to much ab workouts because i will get fat abs ..? and doing ab workouts do they burn fat ?? sorry to bother you

  15. fitwithmitch says:

    @MrBeardtard I understand that. Refer to my reply to @charlietangossss above^^

  16. fitwithmitch says:

    @charlietangossss You’ll need to decrease your calories (slightly) and increase your cardio (moderately) to get rid of the belly fat. As far as exercises go, you can hold light dumbbells in your hands and feet and do the Dual Pulley Crunch. Hanging Knee Raise with your while hanging from a door (open a door and hook your hands over the top of it and hang from it) while holding a dumbbell with your feet is another great lower ab exercise. 

  17. charlietangossss says:

    could you tell me how i can get ripped abs when i have some fat on my belly still and and ab workout with weights but not machines please

  18. agolli2003 says:

    lol is that judge mathis in the backround??

  19. philipzown7 says:

    @MrBeardtard don’t worry abt it…. it all depends on how much time you hav…. if its only 30mins do cardio!

  20. MrBeardtard says:

    I dont have the equipment at my gym 🙁

  21. Madison2Media says:

    Finally a real personal trainer

  22. mafista says:

    this is the truth how you really get muscley abs, when you use weight and you can only do less then 14 reps you are activating your fast twitch muscles which are the only ones that grow.

  23. kokipWnZ says:

    @omission13 ya man(y)

  24. CoffeeBeatsTea says:

    @omission13 that is 100% true. of course some people have to work harder than others, like ectomorphs and endomorphs have to work harder than mesomorphs but any one can achieve great shape

  25. alejandrothefader says:

    @terrelle372 ankle weights and do leg raises and other ab exercises involving leg motion but the catch is NOT hepling with your other parts in your abs as much as you can sustain! try it out!

  26. basiliaweyd7824 says:

    This still surprises me, just how lots of people are not aware about Kinovelax Diet Plan (google it), despite the fact that lots of people get good results because of it. Thanks to my buddy who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost crazy amounts of weight by using it without starving myself.

  27. kobethakilla218 says:

    for carpet use furniture sliders

  28. basiliaweyd7824 says:

    Its still surprise me, how a lot of people don’t know about Kinovelax Diet Plan (just google it), although many people get great results because of it. Thanks to my friend who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost lots of weight by using it without starving myself.

  29. origamiemil says:

    Ur ass I giant

  30. muizirkelgr says:

    Its still surprises me, just how some people don’t know about Kinovelax Diet Plan (do a google search), despite the fact that many people get good result with it. Thanks to my buddy who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I have lost crazy amounts of weight with it without starving myself.

  31. crazyhobo21 says:

    lMFAO!!! UR GRANNY?!?!?!?

  32. muizirkelgr says:

    It still surprises me, just how lot of people are not aware about Kinovelax Diet Plan (do a google search), despite the fact that a lot of people get great result because of it. Thanks to my cousin who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost plenty of weight by using it without starving myself.

  33. shevareedhi123 says:

    subtitles don’t wrk lol jk i know it’s just an experiment lmao

  34. TheMathnerder says:

    i loved the awesome subtitles that prevented me from getting confused

  35. RSSlightshowteam says:

    You guys do know you also need to eat right ..right? Ahaha it’s not going to happen if you eat like shit and have a lot of fat on your stomach


    @azns0uljaz aaw u beat me to it XD

  37. azns0uljaz says:

    anyone read the subtitles? lol

  38. 030irakeez says:

    @inshape4u If you do this everyday, how long does it take to see a little bit result?

  39. Bodyskillz2011 says:

    i taught he said my grandma got raped

  40. lonelyislandluver says:

    Omg like 3 reps in I was oh shit and gave up but I’ve been working out all day

  41. Greenwickpress says:

    Fantastic! How often should this workout be done? (Every day? Or three times a week? Multiple times a day?) Anyway, I love the inexpensive solution here – just wish that I had slick floors like that.

  42. LetsGoStay says:

    I agree with you! That program at the site
    has helped me lose 40lbs and gain great abs
    in the last 5months! I highly recommend this
    program to everyone who wants to have a firm
    shape like mine.. This is a no joke..

  43. jill672 says:

    omg this is so stupid i did it for a month and no results. HOW EVER TRYED THIS THEN THIS IS A RIP OFF.

  44. rickieweeksfan says:

    wow, this burns good. thanks

  45. Earthosphere says:

    How long before results should be seen?

  46. inshape4u says:

    @AvengedSlipknot1 As little tiem as possible but no more than 10 secs

  47. AvengedSlipknot1 says:

    How long should you wait between each rep?

  48. spirit0destroyer says:

    that your grandma in pink bra?

  49. kkgothgirl says:

    how long dose it take to see some results ?

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