

Bones To Buff 5 Week Muscle Gain Program

Visit www.BonesToBuff.com toget your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started www.BonesToBuff.com Check out the complete Bones To Buff 5 Week Muscle Building Package. 10lbs of muscle in 5 Weeks. Visit http to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started: www.BonesToBuff.com

www.musclerxonline.com Dayzz the Supplement Guy has just released a New video review on No Explode and Muscle-Rx. Find out which Muscle Building Product is Best for YOUR workouts. If Your serious about building muscle and getting cut… you have to watch Dayzz The Supplement Guy’s New Video titled “No Explode Vs Muscle-Rx”. No Explode is a great muscle building supplement. Need to gain muscle, bsn no explode with Muscle-Rx with help to build rock hard muscle fast! Need to know how to build muscle fast? Where your looking for cheap no explode or the best muscle enhancement supplement Muscle-Rx is the right supplement for you. No xplode is a drink. Bsn makes no xplode. no xplode reviews from dave the supplement guy. Need a muscle building program that works? Watch Dayzz The Supplement Guy’s new video. Musclerx work to gain muscle fast and is proven to do it. What to learn how to build muscle fast… Watch this video and find out!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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48 pings

  1. mursuleryf says:

    How does that book go? I can write it in about two seconds..
    “Lift weights, eat right”.. aaaaand.. done!

  2. lebcal says:

    All I heard was; I’m a model and I’m better than you… BUY MY BOOK!

  3. LilavanVEVO says:

    U sooo hot…all homo

  4. hrebientony says:

    complete horse shit

  5. haczabim says:


  6. youcheatyouwin says:

    Great tips man – I decided to get in shape this summer. just got a kick ass free trial of muscle warfare. Has anyone heard of it? i got 2 weeks worth free and i feel alot stronger, my friends also said i look bigger! cant wait till week 4 – check it out bit.lyMuscle-Warfare-Trial the trial should still be on

  7. antzzz111 says:

    @owensdelbert2011 what?

  8. owensdelbert2011 says:

    @antzzz111 this plan is a joke lol a fitness model this guy is great right bro ??

  9. antzzz111 says:

    @owensdelbert2011 you just proved me right…you took roids and gained 6 lbs a month, this guys is saying you can gain 10bs in just over a month AND naturally. IMPOSSIBLE and false advertising

  10. owensdelbert2011 says:

    @antzzz111 idk where you got that info im in the Army took roids and gained 35 pounds of muscle in 6 months and my body fat is only at .8 so ur totally wrong and i stand 6 foot 4 and weight 254 and im a army ranger so in shape and not fat.

  11. mattpatten says:

    Google Muscle Building Coach great information for skinny guys looking to bulk up.

  12. TheMudInPuddle says:

    he said 10 pounds of lean mass, my guess is that creatine is used right away in the program which would explain it because its not unusual to gain 5-10 pounds in 2-3 weeks with that stuff.

  13. 151soccer says:

    im almost shure its imposibe to gain 10lbs in 5 weeks

  14. antzzz111 says:

    people on roids cant even gain 10lbs of musle in 5 weeks, maybe a year.

  15. superrubiksman says:

    @flywitpaul you can gain with the right regimane 2-4 pounds of muscle a month

  16. EverettJanisch says:


  17. kn1b1s95 says:

    what do you recomend for a 109 lb guy

  18. nramela23 says:

    Hey I have a question man I just watched a video and it said that in one year you will be lucky if u even gain 5 pounds of muscle and in your video it said that you can gain 10 pounds in 5 weeks haha so what is true man haha

  19. flywitpaul says:

    With hard intense training and strict nutrition, you can probably build 0.5-1.0 pound of muscle per month. Like Salookaloo said, it is genetically impossible to gain 10lbs of muscles in 5 weeks even if you take steroid!! You can gain 10lbs in 5 weeks but I can grantee that it’s fat and not muscle!!

  20. givemeapanda says:


  21. SalooKaloo says:

    Its physically and biologically impossible to gain 10lbs in 5 weeks. this is a lie

  22. brennanMUFC says:

    This program maybe will help you put pn mass and get you stronger. But, it would literally be impossible to grow at the rate he’s talking about. For most regular guys it would take about a year of regular solid workouts and good nutrition to gain 10lbs muscle.

  23. Lucasius19 says:

    it’s not possible to gain that much muscle in few weeks…

  24. annasattitude says:

    i like your product dude it has wrked great for me so far

  25. dreamyeyesdave says:

    hey just got the muscle rx the other day what is the best way to take it>?

  26. createthemarke says:

    Muscle rx has helped me gain musckew and I feel I workout much harder with it.

  27. unleashyourdesire says:

    I love the muscle rx…just thought id share that with you guys 🙂

  28. forcekimtee says:

    Great product you guys got!!~

  29. workhorseysteve says:

    I just picked up this product a week ago…so far so good…thanks guys

  30. FUCKTHIS360 says:

    were can a get da musle rx ..? at GNC? and how much is it ?

  31. HongManChoi1 says:

    1) Where did you buy it?
    2) How much did it cost for the 30 capsule bottle?
    3) Does it have caffiene or other ingredients with similar effects (i.e. jitters, nervousness, etc.)
    4) Would you recommend it over N.O. Explode?


  32. SkatePeaceAndSkeet says:

    Look at at Them Pill bottles Behind Him!
    U are The supplement GUY! Amazing!

  33. GSP170arp says:

    Nice review thanks for the help, may consider trying the muscle rx

  34. maneco11 says:

    this dude has like a million products lol

  35. xxdyepaintballrxx says:

    can i buy mucscle RX at GNC?

  36. Aquadrip says:

    Im a female !!
    can i still take this product !!!

  37. Aquadrip says:

    but does it work ?

  38. Aquadrip says:

    can i find this at the vitamin store in my local areas ?

  39. uhohmygah says:

    how big are those muscle rx pills?

    cuz i cant take pills taht well

  40. weasel2audio says:

    hey, thanks for the tip.

  41. itouchuser says:

    Can you buy Muscle-Rx in any stores like gnc?

  42. digitalnicko1 says:

    hey if ur only working biceps with dumbells is it ok to use the muscle rx ?

  43. redbootsbitch says:

    Two questions:
    1) Is it safe to take RX when I first start working out or should I wait a month or so until I’m into the workout a bit.

    2) Where is the best place to buy RX?


  44. condoggy54 says:

    is taking muscle rx before workout then taking muscle milk after is that a good mix or what?

  45. PhanMaen says:

    is muscle rx a pro hormone? it smeems like it

  46. REDO5R1 says:

    Does Muscle-Rx have caffeine in it?

  47. supasye says:

    where can i get this in the UK?

  48. metalrocke says:

    Hey dude, I got a question, I use NO Explode, Does MuscleRX provide the same energy or more, and Does it really burn fat?

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