

BStrong4Life to Study New Technology to Improve Bone Density without Medication (Research Study Approved by Edward Hospital Institutional Review Board)

BStrong4Life to Study New Technology to Improve Bone Density without Medication (Research Study Approved by Edward Hospital Institutional Review Board)

A bioDensity session

(PRWEB) August 29, 2011

BStrong4Life™ has launched a 6-month pilot study to determine the effectiveness of the BStrong4Life™ System on improving bone mineral density without medication. The research team is currently seeking individuals to participate in the study.

The Surgeon General has reported that to prevent or reverse the effects of osteoporosis you have to apply a maximum load on the musculoskeletal system. When a force is placed on the bones, bones respond by adding cells and becoming denser. The load placed on the bones is a direct result of the amount of force produced by the muscles. As a result, increase in muscular force generates more load on the bone. The BStrong4Life System is effective regardless of age or conditioning level, because the muscular force generated is created by the user.

The BStrong4Life™ System is a combination of two ground breaking technologies, Power Plate® and bioDensity™, as well as a proprietary training system that integrates these two technologies.

Power Plate® equipment works on the principles of whole body vibration. The proprietary BStrong4Life™ System uses particular warm-up procedures to prepare the user for each bioDensity session and to optimize performance. The Power Plate equipment vibrates almost imperceptibly, causing whole body vibrations that create instability and trigger reflexive contractions in the muscles, as frequently as 25 to 50 times per second. The equipment also oscillates, so the muscles must contract in multiple dimensions. This technique stimulates the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which can lead to increased muscle strength, endurance and overall agility. The user stands on the equipment while performing either static or dynamic exercises.

bioDensity™ is a biomechanically efficient system that improves strength and bone mineral density (BMD) through maximum intensity, short duration neuro-musculoskeletal stimulation (NMS). The user creates as much muscular force as possible while performing four comprehensive static isometric muscle contractions. This produces more force on the muscles than a contraction generated by lifting weights. The equipment uses a patented load cell/software interface that precisely measures, tabulates and records muscular force output at 30 times per second. All physical efforts are recorded, and compared and contrasted over time. Each user receives a Performance Report at the conclusion of each training session.

Preliminary studies using the BStrong4Life System have shown favorable results both in improved bone mineral density and improved muscle strength, which the research project seeks to confirm.

For more information, please call 630-778-9000 or visit http://www.bstrong4life.com.


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