www.WeightGainMethod.com -► Discover How To Gain Weight Fast! Hey it’s Jeff Masterson. In this video I’m going to explain how to gain weight fast for skinny guys. I’m going to explain 4 steps you can take right now to start getting faster results. Here are the notes from the video Gain weight fast by eating more calories than your body burns * 20 x your bodyweight = total daily calories * If you weigh 150 pounds you’d eat 3000 calories a day * This is just a starting point. You’ll have to track your results and adjust Gain weight fast by eating 6 meals a day * 6 meals a day keeps a steady supply of nutrients coming to your body that allows you to build new muscle tissue. * When your stomach is empty your body gets energy from 3 places: * Glycogen stored in the liver and muscles * Body Fat * Muscle tissue * Eating 6 meals a day will ensure that your body stays in an anabolic muscle-building state all day long. Gain weight fast by Lifting Heavy Weights * Lift weights in the 2 – 10 rep range * 2 – 4 reps will increase strength * 6 – 10 reps will increase muscle size Gain weight fast by keeping your workouts under 60 minutes * After 45 – 60 minutes your body starts producing cortisol * Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that will break down your muscle tissue so you want to avoid this at all costs. Now these are just 4 quick tips I wanted to give you to get you started. If you want more detailed information on how to gain weight fast, go to www.WeightGainMethod.com See you …
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heelfIips says:
January 28, 2012 at 12:49 am (UTC 0)
u look like eminem
5NOOPY615 says:
January 28, 2012 at 1:10 am (UTC 0)
@DGregster send me a message on my page if you can to tell me
sirklondike303 says:
January 28, 2012 at 1:18 am (UTC 0)
@DGregster what kind of muscle building workouts do you do, do you use protein shake/bars…also how often do you go to the gym?…just wondering, because whatever you’re doing really works!!
sirklondike303 says:
January 28, 2012 at 1:47 am (UTC 0)
my metabolism is like lightning…for a few weeks I ate about 3000 calories a day…I actually lost 1-2 pounds -__-
TheNerdSwagg says:
January 28, 2012 at 2:44 am (UTC 0)
YoDisyoboyANDY says:
January 28, 2012 at 3:36 am (UTC 0)
My parents cook fried food all the time or fish but fried and this leaves me to a last resort of not eating their food sometimes. So I try to find something else healthier to eat but I don’t know what items to consume or how to cook. Which groups are good and which methods of cooking are bad? Sometimes I get really confused or just don’t know.I need help with a direct response =/ *hates fried food sometimes
RHEbadderman says:
January 28, 2012 at 4:09 am (UTC 0)
@Clyd3able rep range is the amount of reps you can do… the range he talks about is 2-4 so the reps would be anywhere between 2 to 4..(range)…really haven’t you and 8 other people gone school? seriously i knew what range meant when i was like 10.
Moccar says:
January 28, 2012 at 4:50 am (UTC 0)
@Clyd3able If you lift the weight 2 times then it’s 2 reps.. Rep = Repetition.
MegaSidekick says:
January 28, 2012 at 5:46 am (UTC 0)
@DGregster I weigh 105 lbs. , How do I know how much my food’s calories is?
CreatineMax says:
January 28, 2012 at 6:27 am (UTC 0)
@Clyd3able reps= the amount of times u benh,squat something say you hit 135 once that = one rep.
XxKYFERxX says:
January 28, 2012 at 7:21 am (UTC 0)
6 meals a day?!! Man this is gonna cost me a fortune..
wizfahlife says:
January 28, 2012 at 7:53 am (UTC 0)
this is easy for you to say.. im 6 feet tall and i weigh 135 pounds. i eat so much and nothing happens. i am going to try what you say in this video, but im not going to be mad when i get let down. im so used to not gaining weight. everyone tells me im so skinny, or it will come when you get older. that hasn’t happened yet, and i sure as hell dont want to wait until im older.
thanks for the video, nd ill try it out, but chancres are it wont work for me. like everything.
srgdomingues says:
January 28, 2012 at 7:59 am (UTC 0)
@DGregster just do it man!
snop6176 says:
January 28, 2012 at 8:19 am (UTC 0)
@Chedderbob960 rice and eggs. 6 meals a day
snop6176 says:
January 28, 2012 at 9:14 am (UTC 0)
@DGregster good luck man
DGregster says:
January 28, 2012 at 9:15 am (UTC 0)
Two weeks ago, I weighed only 103 lbs. I am 5’6″ and am 16 years old. That’s a BMI of 16.6 (anything less than 18.5 is underweight and anything less than 16 is considered starving). So I am a pretty small guy. Today I weigh 108 lbs. I eat about 3300 calories a day. That’s a lot for my size. I think Michael Phelps said he eats about 4000 a day and he is an Olympic swimmer. In about 10 weeks I should weigh 135 which is a healthy weight for my height and age. I’ll come back and tell you guys my re
Chedderbob960 says:
January 28, 2012 at 9:41 am (UTC 0)
what foods could i eat to get more calories or gain weight i weigh 140 so ishould eat 2800 calories wat meals will help me get there?
Brookzee1 says:
January 28, 2012 at 10:14 am (UTC 0)
wieght gain is simple. eat more lift more weigh more
what works for me
the average rdi is 8300 kj.(thats kilo joules the metric measurement of calories. so dear redbull fan u arent getting 47000 calories lol but thanks for the laugh)
work ONE muscle group a day (includes complimentrey) e.g. back & Bi’s, Chest & Tri’s, Shoulders, legs. work core every 2-3 days. break every 5th day. deadlifts, squats &bench are 3 exercises that garuntee gains. 5 sets of every workout. 12 reps,10, 8, 6,6drop10
DhanKOTB says:
January 28, 2012 at 10:17 am (UTC 0)
If you can only workout for 60min at a time, does this also mean only 60min a day? Could I do one 60min workout, break for 2/3 hours, then another one?
lilmancory says:
January 28, 2012 at 10:31 am (UTC 0)
@Clyd3able What he means is when doing the 2-4 Rep range use a heavier weigh for example 20kg and you lift the weight 2-4 times..
Then when doing the 6-10 rep range you’ll drop the weight down (lets say 15kg) then you lift the weight 6-10 times.
Hope this clears it up 🙂
culilom007 says:
January 28, 2012 at 11:08 am (UTC 0)
can’t wear skinny jeans cuz they’re too baggy.
AlwaysRogue says:
January 28, 2012 at 12:03 pm (UTC 0)
@Clyd3able 2-4 times you lift a heavy weight, so your arm moves down and up 2-4 times. Same with 6-10, but obviously slightly lighter weights
Helden6621 says:
January 28, 2012 at 12:42 pm (UTC 0)
kcal cannot really mean kilocalorie and do you know any good websites for counting calories 😛
Helden6621 says:
January 28, 2012 at 1:02 pm (UTC 0)
thanks for the vid ill be putting this to the test this week starting now xD just a question about counting calories and that, i bassicly havent a clue 😛 but i baught a can of red bull today and for the first time ever read the contents and nutrition information, one think striked me add on the can its enegy has 200kj / 47kcal ,i typed in kcal and its bassicly kilocalorie altogether 47kcal = 47 000 calories 😛 when i should be takeing in 2520 calories a week lol