

Losing fat? Gaining muscle?

www.scoobysworkshop.com How do you know if you are making progress? If your weight is going up, are you gaining fat or muscle. If your weight is going down, are you losing fat or muscle. In this video I show you an easy and accurate way to tell exactly how much muscle you are gaining and how much fat you are losing! If you want to maximize your fat loss and muscle gain you need to be able to chart the exact amount of fat and muscle on your body on a week by week basis so you can adapt your nutrition and workouts as needed. http
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23 pings

  1. thug2723angel says:

    @scooby1961 scooby your fricking so funny man. wish you were my training buddy. you would be constant jokes

  2. thug2723angel says:

    @scooby1961 scooby your fricking so funny man. wish you were my training buddy. you would be constant jokes

  3. thug2723angel says:

    @scooby1961 scooby your fricking so funny man. wish you were my training buddy. you would be constant jokes

  4. rocker816 says:

    SCOOBY you rock. i did this and my workout was makin me lose muscle. switched to a low carb high protein diet and its now going AMAzing! keep it up.

  5. rocker816 says:

    @gbreppin At least he knows how to run his keyboard well enough to turn the caps lock off.

  6. rocker816 says:

    @scooby1961 WIN.

  7. xJimboSlicex says:

    Scooby, I have a question. I am 13% body fat according to the calculator on your website (woohoo!) I would like to drop to 8-10%. I lift weights 4 days of the week (mon, tue, wed, thurs) and run for 30-35 min 3 days (fri, sat, sun). Should i continue what I am doing to gain muscle and lose fat? What is your opinion on the matter? Thanks a lot for the videos and everything too. I have been a true “scooby fan” for about a year now. Hans is a hoot!

  8. scooby1961 says:

    @gbreppin plastic surgery.

  9. gbreppin says:

    @scooby1961 wat is the best way for me to loose 20 pounds quickly.. mostly from my abs and obliques

  10. gbreppin says:


  11. rseefat says:

    Your so helpfull and soooo funny. @ 0:51 and 1:01 XD

  12. HammerCOB says:

    Hey scooby! I have a great news. I did my tests again. The results were great. I am completely healthy. My liver enzyms were just increased cause of too much muscle actvity. So i stopped for 15 days as my mother ( a doctor ) said and i did the tests again. Although i wasnt care for nutriotion for 15 days and lost few kgs I am haooy because i am healthy. Tomorrow i am starting with a gym again. Thanks for support and good luck. 🙂

  13. saintsrow9444 says:

    @scooby1961 Well I don’t have any health issues, I just don’t eat ”badfood” alot and I exercise alot maybe a little too much.

  14. 27albrecht says:

    Used this information today after getting a caliper and I’m 16% bodyfat, which isn’t too bad according to some online research. I’d like to drop to about half of that though.

  15. 27albrecht says:

    @scooby1961 Very true! I tried to tell my friend what she was doing wasn’t healthy but she wouldn’t listen to me because she didn’t want to hear the truth, lol. (She was drinking nothing but tea/pop during her “workouts” … )

  16. 13joneza1 says:

    thanks for the help i have been trying to lose weight some time your great keep it up with the vids

  17. wesker1718 says:

    Thank you scooby for the info, now I know how much body fat I got. 22% and totally going to work hard on it. Any tips?

  18. HeavyMetalRuff says:

    Awesome video. I just need to get me a skinfold caliper, thanks for showing how to properly use it.

  19. 12elfutbolista says:

    If you stop working out for a week or more what would happen…?Would you lose muscle

  20. dustdust7 says:

    thank you

  21. scooby1961 says:

    @chiko98 honest answers are what people need but dont always want :)

  22. scooby1961 says:

    @mearsy09 My teen workout is definitely appropriate for you if you are 16.

  23. scooby1961 says:

    @saintsrow9444 4% bodyfat is really low and is getting close to the point where it can cause health problems.

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