

10 Steps to Get Ripped Fast

rippedenvy.com Summarizing how easy it is to get ripped or to just gain or lose a few lbs with some easy to use techniques that are timeless and used by anyone that is in shape.

Go to BuildMuscleBurnFat.info my FREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL! Key Nutrition Strategies For Ripped Abs A 6-pack is the hallmark of having a ripped body. No fitness or figure competitor would be caught without one. However, for those of us who didn’t win the genetic lotto when it comes to flat abs, achieving a 6-pack isn’t as simple as doing ab exercises and watching what you eat. Instead, you need to hunker down and tweak your diet to perfection. Try these 10 strategies and soon you’ll want bathing suit season to be 1. Eat Often This should be a no brainer but some people literally have to set their Blackberry to beep when it is time to eat. When we eat we burn calories (thermogenic effect of eating) and we end up less hungry later. Skip meals and you are setting the stage to overeat at your next meal. So, do what it takes to remember to eat often. 2. Drink Green Tea Green tea extract when combined with caffeine, increases energy expenditure (calories burned). Studies have also shown that habitual green tea consumers are better able to maintain their weight. Researchers have theorized that weight maintenance is easier due to increased thermogenesis and fat oxidation. Tea has a multitude of other benefits as well so you can’t go wrong with adding tea to your diet. If you prefer, try an energy drink with green tea extract and caffeine 3. Be Wary Of Sugar Free Products How many people do you know who chew packs of sugar free gum or candies so they
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26 pings

  1. myfriendspencer says:

    This gets better and is a great effort. I will pay more attention to your way of looking at things now.

  2. FatReducingTips says:

    Check out my video on my channel for my review of a fat busting product which worked for me 😀

  3. MuRAKiSc2SpecOpS says:

    does this works

  4. MuRAKiSc2SpecOpS says:

    @sexyhamburger29 huh wat do u meant?

  5. Bamabarrett says:

    Have you ever wanted to be Super Mario , but after jumpin over a few turtles and mushrooms you get tired? Just watch this video and start your training to be Super Mario….. I did and now I can shoot fireballs…..

  6. TrullaLleroLa says:

    Glad it worked for you too. My mom and I
    used that kind of program and it actually did
    wonders on our stomach. I thought that was
    just a fraud site but I never thought an
    internet program would bring our stomach
    into flat lean abs..Anyway, you forgot to put
    the site.. Its all in:

  7. rofLopolous says:

    this is more like HIIT training. Good for losing fat, but like mentioned before, ur body decides where the fat comes off.

  8. kamal4151 says:

    I like this video. 

  9. TheInsidiousParadigm says:

    I am so jealous -.-

  10. tmasie12 says:

    Mayby situps would work……. 🙂

  11. messionice says:

    Good ab workout…thanks!

  12. CraziPalas says:

    This guy a beast

  13. DeathlyPkProductions says:

    I go to NYSC <3

  14. vrjake81 says:

    basically keep jumping until yo pants fall off

  15. 231Asin says:

    Hey! Have you thought about intellectus 424 diet (do a google search)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my cooworker lost crazy amounts of weight with it.

  16. ponirmonir says:


  17. Swaggg33 says:

    I wonder if he knows he has an 8 pack? not a six

  18. SuperShMark says:

    thanks guys good video

  19. Rilo12 says:

    low key that can also be used to build up legs and get your jumps up. michael jordan used to do those to get his ups higher.

  20. bendystix says:

    @sexyhamburger29 Title is just misleading not a myth. You will lose belly fat, just not all belly fat.

  21. Fusionalise says:

    why does he keep clapping with his hands

  22. LitleGiant07 says:


  23. theunpunished123 says:

    then dont do it, no ones forcing you to

  24. rippedcamel says:

    He’s got the right idea. In Muay thai/kickboxing they have us do back to back stuff like this. I just started training a few weeks ago, but man the dudes that have been training are all cut like this guy. Makes sense now.

    Good video bud, your hard work obviously paid off!

  25. ladiezman221 says:

    @juiceyboy17 wtf, nah man its good

  26. lebrel12 says:


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