

5 Day Split Best For Building Muscle??

SEE OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT www.2buildmusclefast.com “LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” www.facebook.com WE ARE NATURAL BODYBUILDERS AND DO NOT USE STEROIDS OR PRO HORMONES. OUR SUPPLEMENTS WE APPROVE OF ARE CREATINE WHEY PROTEIN & AND A GOOD PRE WORKOUT LIKE JACK3D OR SOMETHING SIMILAR THESE ARE PRODUCTS WE RECOMMEND FOR A FULL LIST OF OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND GO TO THE RECOMMENDED MUSCLE BUILDING SUPPLEMENTS TAB. We believe a majority of supplements being marketed to those looking to build muscle are bogus such as Glutamine BCAA (branch chain amino acids) waxy maize nitric oxide supplements. We believe they are all a waste of money. To build muscle concentrate on your muscle building routine your nutrition and get plenty of rest between your workouts and you will get the head turning results you are seeking!! 5 day split Example Mon — Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Tues — Back, shoulders, traps, abs Wed – Off Thurs — Chest Abs Fri — Biceps, Triceps, Forearms Sat — Lagging Muscle, Abs Sun – Off
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Go to BuildMuscleBurnFat.info my FREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL! BuildMuscleBurnFat.info When you Download the FREE workout plan it will contain WORKOUT VIDEOS (that you can put on you iPod!) and the FREE fitness and nutrition ebook The Ultimate Fitness Manual I am giving away this extremely effective fat burning and muscle building nutrition program for a limited time!!! This program is not some bs fad diet. This is an effective program based on sound principles. This program allows you to eat carbs and all the foods that you love and still lose fat and burn muscle! – you’ll learn how you can eat fast foods and still get in great shape – you’ll learn how to lose more fat by eating more food! In the form of Healthy fats, good carbs, and lean protein! – you’ll learn why 80% of Americans are over weight and how you can stop it from happening to you . – you’ll learn what foods you should avoid to lose fat this will surprise you! – you’ll learn what foods will burn fat for you!- youll lean what are the best food for building muscle and why! This nutrition plan alone is valued at over but for a limited time, you will get it for FREE with your order of THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN. Thank you, and if you have any questions or comments, please e-mail them to me via Twitter at twitter.com Go to BuildMuscleBurnFat.info my FREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL HOME BICEP WORKOUT!!! How To Build / Gain Muscle Fast pt4
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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45 pings

  1. tusher Ahmed says:

    Hello:) Have you thought about the Explosive Muscle Method (do search on google)? My friend says it gets people to increase in strength(:

  2. tusher Ahmed says:

    Hello:) Have you thought about the Explosive Muscle Method (do search on google)? My friend says it gets people to increase in strength(:

  3. TehLightBlinds says:

    Too much rest just guarantees perfect recovery, that you will be able to push it to the new limit.

  4. mnoy91 says:

    is too much rest bad for muscle growth? for example 7 days? or is 5 days better? for growth, or should you workout straight away after your muscles arnt sore anymore? my muscles only sore for 3 days, what should i do? lots of people are the same as me

  5. LandosTrees says:

    i do 5-6 day split, using no steroids, only whey, creatine and ive been IF seems to work find for me… obv on that last day i do a light routine that hits all my major areas, plenty of burpees, pull ups, pushups, muscle ups, and weighted jumps… idk thats just me

  6. Blackdimond8000 says:

    Here is what I do (I don’t really focus on back exercises BTW):

    Monday: Chest and Triceps
    Tuesday: Shoulders and Biceps
    Wednesday: ENTIRE Legs and Abs
    Thursday – Saturday: Repeat
    Sunday – REST
    Am I overly working out cuz I’m 15 and been working out for 3 months?

  7. Blackdimond8000 says:

    nahh what, TWINS??? No, they’re Martians from the South Side Intergalactic Bay View of the Martian Federation Bodybuilding Academy (SSIBVMFBA).
    You sill goose! TWINS?? You’re funny….

  8. TrollshotGG says:

    3:26 “if your serious about building some ass man”

  9. TrollshotGG says:

    3/4 day split for natural bodybuilders.
    5/6 day for steroid users

  10. TheAndrewMChannel says:

    Go look at Zyzz 5 day split , it’s what he followed

  11. imsosuperflygk says:

    @overeon yep. it was really hard when I first started working out and my muscles were going nowhere at all. Between really I encourage you set aside just 10 minutes and make up your mind for yourself. I know you’ll find perfect muscles depends on ur need after watching this clip => bit.ly/PMJXmO?=isirek

  12. ranger5230 says:

    I’m on a 24 day split routine. I work my left bicep on day one, then my right bicep on day two, then my right pec on day three, etc. I’ve been doint this for three years and haven’t seen any gains yet but any day now I’m gonna be RIPPED.

  13. PopR1ne says:

    kevin got revenge from beginning in the intermeting fastin vid

  14. queefswithahugecock says:

    are they twins?

  15. forgottothink says:

    Ya, I got a few inches thicker working out for 3hrs. every day and ate 2 big plates of spaghetti every evening. I was in those times 19, so maybe that makes a diff. But in the end some people make too much excuses to not work out, and blame no muscle gain on food or “overtraining”, when it was because they undertraind. Work out in the mornig.

  16. TheRobertLindsay says:

    Well acually, Your muscle needs to repair its self to grow, and it does that while you sleep. So you build muscle sleeping, the idea behind rest days is because when you work out, your muscle fibre gets small tears, so working the muscle to often will lead to injury. You need to give it time to fully recover (which is done in sleep)

  17. RegicideKillz says:

    i currently do a 3 day split chest/shoulder/tris, legs, back/bis..but now im gonna try a 4 day split of chest/shoulder, legs, back, and arms..

  18. theDLproject95 says:

    There are 168 hours in a week, if you have a five day split, and you’re in and out of the gym in one hour (tops); you’ll have 163 hours left to grow and repair. That seems sufficient to me. Don’t know why everyone gets all butt hurt when 5 days splits are mentioned.

  19. SupremeMystique2 says:

    Your misunderstanding what they mean.

    Pretty much with a 3-day splits your hitting the 3 differnt body parts but there is less time for rest compared to 4-day split

    mon-chest/triceps tues-rest wed-legs  thurs- biceps friday-rest saturday-chest

  20. RussellGetBig says:

    I heard its best to do them every other day, is started doing that 2 weeks ago and my 6 pack is already very defined but it also helps that i have 4% body fat at 160 pounds haha

  21. AngelaA81410 says:

    Nice abs!

  22. BlazinPlanesx says:

    Hey dude nice workout, but can u tell me the number of sets / reps I should do for this workout ?? pls reply back it would be greatly appreciated !!

  23. asassinuk says:

    It’s great for working out to!

  24. theinfamousinfant says:

    Stop saying that.

  25. Mihaitzaforever says:

    And what can i do to get your track ???

  26. BrandonCarterTV says:

    Im a music producer, its a track i made myself. glad you like it!

  27. Mihaitzaforever says:

    can enybody help me with the soundtrack ?????

  28. Garr3tt76 says:

    I have this same weight set:) only $40 on targets website i believe

  29. DmSDemonX says:

    Will this form my muscle or i need to do something + this.

  30. JakeTruong says:

    awesome dude, how come ’till now I know your channel. You have a great body in here. !

  31. Joynalm123 says:

    @Warfighter54 your lower abs will have the most access fat.. It will be very hard too work on it until it shows so I suggest you diet.

  32. warfighter54 says:

    question ive been doing ab ribber x and other ab workouts for a while now. my abs started to look a lot better but then my lower ab started to bcome less noticable. nothign im doing changed so whats wrong with what im doing?

  33. godlykilla4 says:

    Ok Barbie

  34. DuDe1040 says:

    you are to dumb for bodybuilding GO PLAY WITH YOUR KEN DOLL!

  35. dinescuileana says:

    is very nice this video

  36. godlykilla4 says:

    Hi Brandon, I’m just way to skinny to get any bicep and I just can’t seem to build any fat on my arms… Any tips?

    Thanks in advance

  37. ilsepalomaa says:

    you are sexy.

  38. 95SouthSide says:

    what weight are youre dumbells?

  39. guitarman378 says:

    @mmaboxingfan2 i hear you man. I work at a gym having to keep machines running good and stuff looking good. Also i work at the counter sometimes. Im always seeing people come in dissing on the other guys working out. And trying to push them into more reps or whatever. I hate it. Witch is why my boss lets me stay after and do my stuff i need to do everyday but sunday. Gyms can be stressful, but its better then steroids. Thumbs up if you think NATURAL bodybuilding is waaay better then muscle supp

  40. dylzo94 says:

    wow, can honstly say you second exercise in is the best ive ever tried, can feel the burn so much better!

  41. afromusician1 says:

    1 question … what happens if you like lift like in 0:21 but you don’t go down slowly .. you just do it fast

  42. 7157rbc says:

    i dont get tired of watching your channel bro…. nice work keep up the good work.

  43. tojakobdk says:

    how many times a week do you workout your biceps :)?

  44. j1mmyk09 says:

    When I watch this vid it makes me to thing: How many tons of iron do you have at home?

  45. kombatunit says:

    So what do you eat on a daily basis?

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