

Weight Gain For Hard Gainers – Secrets Revealed

One of the biggest barriers hard gainers face is the ability to stimulate their muscle for new growth. I’m assuming because you’re reading this you find it difficult to gain weight and build muscle mass. Because hard gainers usually have a very high metabolism, traditional weight training programs will have little effect if any in gaining muscle size and increasing muscular strength. You can’t do what everyone else is doing to gain weight because your body will not respond in the same way.

Before we go any further, I think it’s most important that you download this free hard gainers muscle building guide at some stage, “The Top 20 Ways To Screw Up In The Gym”. This free hard gainers bodybuilding guide was specifically written for hard gainers by a hard gainer – Vince DelMonte, author of No-Nonsense Muscle Building. The 23 page free report will obviously give you far more information than what I can provide in this short article. Do yourself a huge favor and at least read the report. Moving on…

Gaining weight in the form of lean muscle mass is difficult at the best of times, unless you’re a genetic freak or are pumping yourself full of anabolic steroids. Natural weight gain takes dedication, commitment, motivation, perseverance, visualization, and the burning desire to achieve your goals. You also need to follow a training program that is designed for hard gainers, not one that is designed for Ronnie Coleman.

What does this mean to you? Well it means that you can throw away every bodybuilding magazine and program that you own for starters. Why? Because the information is useless to you. Do you think professional athletes and professional strength training coaches read bodybuilding magazines? If so, it is probably only for humor and to see what kind of hype their athletes are being exposed to. Do you think high quality, world-class athletes and coaches follow the advice in these magazines? And if THEY don’t, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU! Even though those magazines may have inspired millions, they have done a better job at misleading millions.


It’s unbelievable how many young guys think they need creatine and a whole list of other supplements; think they need to ‘split’ their workouts into ‘body parts’ and are trying to build muscle in an over trained and undernourished state… and then wonder, “Why can’t I gain weight?”. They have no idea that these programs don’t work without drugs. These are DRUG routines and drug routines don’t work for natural guys. Period.

I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before but I will say it again – if you are not eating enough calories, you will NEVER gain weight, no matter what you do. There is absolutely no way around it! Even if you have the perfect training routine, you will never grow unless you provide your body with the proper nutrients. It’s like saying you want to build a house but you don’t have enough bricks, cement or wood. Long story short – if you are not growing, there could be two problems.

(1) You have not applied energy balance (energy in versus energy out) properly. It is a lot trickier than simply multiplying your body weight by a factor of 18-22 as most authors suggest. This factor neglects your unique resting metabolic rate, your unique cost of daily activity, your unique cost of exercise activity and the thermic effect of food.

(2) You combine the wrong food at the wrong times. Obviously eating 3000 calories of chips and Doritos is not as effective as eating 3000 calories of high quality carbs, fats and proteins.

If you wish to ensure that your muscles have enough fuel to supports your workouts, train intensely, recover from workout to workout and, let’s not forget, grow NEW muscle, you have to keep track of what you are eating every day. There is no way around it. This is the number one reason why skinny guys never gain weight or why anybody, for that matter, will not make the quality gains that they so desperately strive for.

Remember, there’s no reason why hard gainers like yourself can’t pack on muscle week after week. You just need the right information which is why you should grab a free copy of Vince DelMonte’s hard gainers guide today – “The Top 20 Ways To Screw Up In The Gym”. Download Here!

Want to learn how to pack on lean muscle mass naturally? If you find it impossible to build muscle, this could be the most valuable information you’ll get your hands on.

Article from articlesbase.com

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