

Muscle Building Secrets Exposed…Australian Tennis Star Hewitts Intimidating New Body Serves an Advantage

Muscle Building Secrets Exposed…Australian Tennis Star Hewitts Intimidating New Body Serves an Advantage

(PRWEB) January 31, 2005

Not only does Lleyton Hewitt’s newly muscled body provide a distinctly obvious physical advantage…it also serves up a powerful psychological advantage. A new free report written by muscle and strength expert, 1984 Mr Australia Richard Hargreaves, reveals the sporting advantage that muscle building can provide. The special muscle building report not only investigates the physical and psychological advantages a lean and muscular body provides…but also gives tips and tricks how anybody…male or female…can quickly gain a competitive advantage through muscle building using correct training, diet and supplementation techniques.

Hewitt trained hard in the off-season, following a program of cross- training with his buddy, Andrew McLeod, who plays for a leading Australian Rules football team, the Adelaide Crows. The end result is a strikingly muscular physique, which Hewitt has been showing off by wearing sleeveless shirts.

Says Richard…”The 56 page report isn’t some huge treatise on bodybuilding…just a simple muscle building system to quickly build strength and muscle size in minimum time with a minimum amount of effort. A common misconception is that you have to spend hours in the gym pumping weights, eating weird foods and taking copious amounts of vitamins. Nothing could be further from the truth. By applying the latest scientific muscle building research with a common sense, practical approach…anyone can start getting noticeable and measurable results within days.”

One particular ergogenic aid, creatine monohydrate, when correctly used can add several kilos of muscular bodyweight in under a week…with a proportionate increase in strength. Says Richard…”the discovery of creatine monohydrate for muscle building and improving sporting performance legally is one of the breakthroughs in nutritional science over the last few years…first used as a secret weapon by the British track and field team at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics…it has now moved into the mainstream market as the fastest way to build muscle strength and power ever discovered…with initial results better, faster and most importantly, safer than resorting to dangerous and illegal anabolic steroids.”

Richard, a professional personal trainer and former gym owner, has had much experience at muscle building and training sports stars…including getting former Wimbledon star Pat Cash back on track in the late 80’s after he tore his Achilles tendon. Other tennis notables that trained at Richard’s gym were Nicole Provis and Todd Woodbridge…amongst other Australian sporting greats such as cricketers Merv Hughes and Simon O’Donnel.

The new report, entitled “Instant Muscle Advantage…Just Add Water (and a little sweat)” covers 4 main areas. Richard considers these the 4 key elements to muscle building success-Attitude, Exercise, Diet, and Ergogenics (performance enhancers). The exercise section reveals a secret muscle building training routine that has proved to be the most effective for packing on muscle fast that Richard has come across in his 3 decades of experience. Richard is currently CEO of http://ironpower.biz/buildmuscle.htm , an Australian sports nutritional supplements company that manufactures and distributes bodybuilding supplements online for building muscle, losing fat, and boosting physical performance. As an introductory special, for a limited time the eBook report can be downloaded for free by visiting http://ironpower.biz/download.htm

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