

top 7 MUSCLE GAINING exercises

1 crazy tip to get ripped: sixpackshortcuts.com I’ve gotten a lot of questions asking me: — How can I gain muscle? — What are the best muscle gaining exercises? — What are good muscle building workouts? — What are some good bodybuilding workouts to build muscle fast? In this video, I show you the 7 best muscle building exercises. I explain how to do each, and exactly why each of them will help you gain weight and build muscle. And if you want to get serious about getting a ripped body and six pack abs, I recommend using “Afterburn Training.” Afterburn Training is my patented style of training that combines heavy, compound lifts with high intensity cardio. I made a free video giving the scientific proof for why Afterburn Training gets you abs faster than any other way, and showing you exactly how you can use it in your workout. Check it out here: sixpackshortcuts.com PS — Use this link to share this video with your friends! youtu.be
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  1. AxelGD says:

    Maybe he didn’t learn at the College of Retard, as you did.

  2. A7xforlifeRev says:

    Mike, i need to know! im 15 years old i’m probably 5,10 and i weight about 140-154 pounds.
    I dont have the money to go to the gym or i would spend pretty much all my spare time in there! are situps going to burn belly fat?! and are push ups going to build my arms and shoulders?
    Guys thumbs up so he can see please! 🙂

  3. alondite215 says:

    Where did you get your degree in Exercise Physiology? Because what you’re saying is not supported by what I’ve learned either in the lab, the literature, or the gym.

    Your recommendations for reps/sets doesn’t fall under any category of training. The research shows that maximum hypertrophy is attained through volume. High weights and low reps stimulate neuro-muscular adaptations, rather than hypertrophy.

    Maximum hypertrophy is attained through 5-6 sets of 12-15 rep max training.

  4. alondite215 says:

    Until you build any basis of strength. The stronger you become, the less effect body weight exercises become because you can’t sufficiently overload the muscle.

  5. Craig Emme says:

    @KrYp7on1t3 - pretty sure he didn’t just list the exercises because he was showing proper form for those who may need his help. ya idiot.

  6. Frakman92 says:

    because if you train multiple days in the row the same muscles you will overtrain those muscles and they will either cause an injury or you wont even build you might hinder muscle growth or both. thumbs up if i answered it.

  7. DuaqsToir says:

    can someone explain me why you have to train like bicep, chest abs at day 1 and at day 2 not the same muscle why is thaT?

  8. MrRizo23 says:

    pullups/chinups should definitley be included..

  9. MirinAllDay says:

    oh yeah. fix dem squats lol

  10. MirinAllDay says:

    lemme fix that… SQUAT, DEADLIFT, BENCHPRESS (: other compound moves like pullups and cleans, etc.

  11. STRcape says:

    I have a bench already but thank you ill deff check out my local walmart. Thank You

  12. Moji Saadada says:

    Hey guys! Have you tried the Explosive Muscle Method (just google it)? My co-worker says it gets people ripped fast(:

  13. Kazi Rana says:

    Sup:) Did you ever tried the Explosive Muscle Method (search on google)? My mate says it gets people to increase in strength…

  14. lilkush909 says:

    Walmart sells them too and a lot cheaper i got mine from there and had it for 4 years and it works great and they sell benches that fold up

  15. INumba1Stunna says:

    I’m a beginner with all this building muscle stuff lol. But after a workout, I drink something called Ensure (guess i consider it like a protein shake). You probably heard of Ensure, but anyways, would it be better to drink the Ensure High Protein or the Ensure Plus Calories after a workout? .. All replies welcome 🙂

  16. KrYp7on1t3 says:

    Bench press
    Bent-over Rows
    Military press
    Bicep curls
    Tricep extensions

    Those are the exercises. There, I just saved you 9 minutes.

  17. STRcape says:

    where can i find a Straight curling bar like that, i went to Dick’s Sporting Goods and they did not have the straight curling bars only the Curved. Help with greatly be appriciated. Either a store or a reliable trusted website. Thank You!

  18. BarryMcCokener says:

    You can’t be serious with those squats!!!!!!!

  19. 1TieDye1 says:

    mike!!! when ever I do deadlifts I bang up my shins, help?

  20. Marg Greis says:

    If you want to check out the training secrets and fitness techniques Mike uses to burn body fat and pack on PURE MUSCLE to get seriously ripped QUICK then you need to check out the same training guide he follows! The Muscle Maximizer training and fitness guide, from MaxYourMuscles(.)com, shows you how to combine the best diet with the ideal workout for your body type so you can get seriously ripped FAST.

    Check it out, you can see how well it works for him!

  21. Yer Zeigler says:

    If you guys want to learn the fitness secrets and techniques Mike REALLY uses to burn off body fat and build PURE MUSCLE to get insanely ripped QUICK then you need to check out the same training guide he follows!! The Muscle Maximizer training guide, from MaxYourMuscles(.)com, shows you how to combine the right diet with the best workout for your body type so you can get as ripped as Mike is FAST!

    Take a look, you can see how well it works for him!

  22. Carl Rodert says:

    Guys, if you wanna check out the fitness training secrets Mike REALLY uses to burn off body fat and pack on PURE MUSCLE to get seriously ripped QUICK then you’ve gotta check out the same training guide he follows! The Muscle Maximizer training guide, from MaxYourMuscles(.)com, shows you how to combine the right diet with the best workout for your body type so you can get as ripped as Mike is FAST!

    Take a look, you can see how well it works for him!

  23. bricksquadaffiliate says:

    if this guy worked on his back he would be  asian hulk

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