

Build Lean Muscle and Lose Body Fat….Diet Advice!

health.discovery.com in this video professional male image consultant aaron marino talks about how you can eat inorder to lose body fat and increase muscle mass. Aaron also explains the science behind both muscle gaining and body fat losing.
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  1. Ozznize says:

    @SuperPotatoPower if you feel like you need weight then workout and eat more. you can also use some protein shakes/powders. this way you feel gain mass and muscles at the same time. it might feel slow but its good since the weight you gain is muscles and not fat

  2. rahana002 says:

    this video is very informant for earning money.

  3. sunmoolrisal says:

    Hey there! Have you tried intellectus 424 diet (do a search on google)? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my work buddy lost a ton of weight with it.

  4. PaceShave says:

    Great upload! The diet tips in this video can be so helpful. Thanks for sharing!


  5. PaceShave says:

    Fantastic upload! The diet tips in this info are great, thanks for sharing!


  6. theboss212sexy says:

    actually i am boring of work out (coz i never get my dream body :p) and planing to get fat

  7. damlurker says:

    @ThGodLike strong bro science bro lolz

  8. silvercoasts says:

    hey aron I Got A QuestioN . do reply plzz! do u take all those multivitamin tablets or when u say u take multivits you mean you get them coz of your healthy diet? i am a bit confused coz i always thought taking those multivit pills has its side effects and a gud diet completes all the vitamin needs of the body ..
    and if you do take those tablets , kindly recommend us the one you take.. I can rely on ur advice than any of those magazine or googled stuff 🙂

  9. ThGodLike says:

    Carbs before bed?! what the hell, Aaron did you not know that carbs and gh(growth hormone) do not co exist. By this I mean if you still have carbs left in your body and are being used for energy (body uses energy 24/7) that gh will not be dispersed throughout the muscles?

  10. MarkAndrei08 says:

    Looks very efficient! I guess I can try this too in my routine. I always wanted to look lean while I’m losing weight. I read reviews that that the lean look is better than buff. Also I know this site offering different programs from losing weight to gaining lean muscles. What made me interested is it’s for FREE! You can check my profile to view the site.

  11. MartinYesLad says:

    YESSSS MULTI VITAMINS! people do not realise how important they are!

  12. SuperPotatoPower says:

    @AlphaMconsulting aaron i am asian and i am really skinny like really really skinny , do i need to gain atleast some weight to have muscles?

  13. mabalasik1982 says:

    The video is very informative for having a excellent diet plan. It would really help you loose fats and gain lean muscle. I do have a link on a site that gives great stuff when it comes in lean muscle building. Their main target of their exercises is to help you achieve the looks you ever wanted the “Hollywood Look”. Youtube won’t allow me to post the link but you can check it on my profile.

  14. C33B33 says:

    Awesome diet!

  15. hash1212 says:

    eat more.

  16. DtoWnSux1 says:

    is it good to eat. whole potatos while dieting? idk if thats a good or bad food to hlp build muscle.

  17. DtoWnSux1 says:

    @dragonmaidenz dito i am like all muscle- very little body fat…how do i gain something to work with. any ideas yeet?

  18. dragonmaidenz says:

    @amotista nono.. i dont wan to be that kind of muscular body… all i wan is just to look proportional… nt necesssary need to have popping muscles here and there with poofing chest and 6 packs.. just decent and proportional and appropriate nice to look at will do…

  19. amotista says:

    @dragonmaidenz Pump some weights and have a load more protein.

  20. mrmee1229 says:

    im not to sure about this guys info

  21. mrmee1229 says:

    @seanyboy1436 not technically

  22. JReel17 says:

    Calories dont make you gain muscle, its protein and nutrition that helps you gain muscle

  23. shivraj67 says:

    you’re not gonna gain a pound of muscle in a week.

  24. tacomonster5 says:

    00:29-00:32 there is like a ghost on the cabinet 😮

  25. workyourblondexo says:

    ilost 30 pounds as of today in 3.5 months, thankyou<3

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