

dirty truth about supplements…EXPOSED!

Mike’s Ab Training System: sixpackshortcuts.com We’ve gotten a TON of questions from you about supplements lately, and in this video we wanted to answer all of them. In this video we cut through the BS about supplements, and tell you what you REALLY need to be taking to get abs. Including: — The TRUTH about the effectiveness of supplements. If you’re currently taking a lot of supplements, you NEED to hear this. — The supplements that we personally take. Once again, I think you’ll be really surprised! — The low-down on specific supplements like: creatine, protein, multi-vitamins, glutamine, no-xplode, and more. And after you’ve watched this, if you’re ready to stop blowing your money on ineffective supplements, and you’re ready to start doing the stuff that REALLY works to get in shape, I recommend picking up my full ab training system. In my system, I show you exactly how to eat and exercise to get abs. You’ll just have to do four short 30 minute workouts a week, and follow a simple eating plan. I put up a free video giving you some of the best techniques from my system to build muscle, lose your belly fat, and get abs. Check it out here: sixpackshortcuts.com

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  1. Kevbox2008 says:

    Glutamine is an amino acid that naturally occurs in the body. That’s why you don’t notice any “weirdness” when you take it and you don’t have to cycle on or off it. It’s like taking protein or it has a different function. Protein builds muscle while Glutamine repairs muscle.

  2. FrozenCrewGr says:

    supplements help a lot if you are a busy guy but they will NEVER replace a meal you need to take em after or before every meal

  3. tajulafham94 says:

    you are so cool man…i’m so surprised that you build your muscle without supplements

  4. raymondbem says:

    hi sir… can i ask you what branch can u suggest for us about whey protein powder and glutamine tablets….
    but sir… im taking GNC XXX protein powder now… what can you say to that brand… thanks!

  5. vNstylez2004 says:

    @zainzulfiqar haha this question is not for me, but i would say try swimming..it helps your body grow taller and allows you to get maximune height..physicla exercise that doesn’t weigh you down =)

  6. DjBazUltra says:

    I do agree what you guys are trying to say, BUT if you are an average person and don’t get much protein for your body from the daily food then Supplements does help.
    By supplement i mean Whey proteins and other pure supplements.

    I don’t believe in the capsules non-sense though

    And also getting the right natural food may be a bit pricey for some and may not have time to have lets say 6-8 meals a day.

  7. stroken92 says:

    jaja thats what my mon told me, yost a waist of money its yost mental i yost bought mega men extreme athlete last supplement iam gona try if it dosent help me iam gona quit supplements

  8. 2silverdragon2 says:

    type in “give me 4 week abs” in the search box and click on the video with hearts in the title to learn how to get a 6 pack in 4 weeks.

  9. xxxxLEADERxxxx says:

    @NauticalDisaster The majority of the time it is true, you just haven’t lived long enough to find out. Your going to believe what you want no matter what anybody tells you just like your going to do whatever you want regardless of how many people you see damaged. All these people doing heavy lifting and for what? Don’t you know that heavy lifting will take it’s toll on your joints when you get older? Do calisthenics and watch what you eat and maybe you’ll live to be 70!

  10. NauticalDisaster says:

    Supplements can separate good results from great results. But you gotta do SMART supplementing, not like go in and buy the most expensive cause it sounds cool. Do some research first, don’t go in and 100% trust the salesperson to give you unbiased information.

  11. NauticalDisaster says:

    @hunterz2006 Yeah mang, keep it simple. If I had to boil it down, best supps are: multi-v and omega oil (which are good for anyone), whey protein is good, creatine and caffeine are great performance boosters and both are safe when used within the recommended doses.

  12. NauticalDisaster says:

    @xxxxLEADERxxxx The majority of the time that’s not at all true.

  13. naughtydawgP says:

    100 % whey protein works well. i only use that. works like a charm

  14. ballereast says:


  15. hunterz2006 says:

    If you got money get whey protein with glutamine, creatine and bcaa added to it, and multi vitamins. Obviously its better to have these things than not as they do make a difference. If you’re tight or can’t afford them its not a problem, results will just come a little slower

  16. kledder2 says:

    Taurine that’s in many energy drinks is bad for you right? Why is that anyway?

  17. infamousxmexican says:

    @AshtonMontgomery im no expert. But i don’t think you should not take any supplements at such a young age. Supplemnets are for people who are advanced in their workout and are kind of “stuck” getting gains and losing fat. U should stay natural until your at least 20 because all those gains will be long term and not artificial. But i know ur young and in a rush to get in shape so do as u please

  18. TeflonPimp says:

    I eat food that contain Omega after i work out and i saw some results. The days when i wasn’t taking food with Omega i didn’t get results fast. I sticking with Omega.

  19. zainzulfiqar says:

    hey my name is zain. im 15 and 217 pounds. im on the school wrestling team and im undefeated. i wanna gain a lot of muscle fast. i just wanna know what is the best type of supplements i can take. and is there a way for me to get taller cause im 5 foot 11 inches and would love to be 6 foot 4 inches. i work out about 3 to 4 hours a day and 5 days a week. i love the gym. i just wanna be tall and strong.

  20. xxxxLEADERxxxx says:

    Don’t take supplements because of what you saw on tv or heard. “IF”, you live to be 70(+) and experienced the physical side effects of smoking would you recommend smoking to your children? “IF”, you live to be 70(+) and experienced the physical side effects of alcohol/liquor would you recommend drinking it to your children? You like supplements with alot of sugar/insulin, talk to Diabetics.

  21. xxxxLEADERxxxx says:

    Truth of the matter is that anything you put into(food/drinks)/on(lotion) your body for a certain amount of time can cause your body to become dependent on it. Meaning, when you stop taking whatever it is, don’t be surprised if there’s side effects in some form. Point is food/drink supplements are for impatient people who aren’t committed to long term natural fitness. It’s the, “I want results now…”, attitude.

  22. xxxxLEADERxxxx says:

    I took MuscleTech’s NaNoVapor(3scoops) before I worked out and MuscleTech’s MassTech(5 scoops) after my workout. I was doing calisthenics(pushups,pullups,chest dips) and was doing about 5 sets@about 20 reps. of my body weight and moved on to adding barbell plates with a chain around my waist(45lb&25lb.). Do supplements work? For me, “YES”, would I recommend using them, “NO”. Why? Side effects! Just like steriods, they can physically help you now but you’ll pay later in some form.

  23. ugoodHomeBoy says:

    what the hell? How much is “one scoop”? Is that like a tbsp. or a quarter cup? Do you know how many “scoops” there are….

  24. RydStar17 says:

    If you are 13 and weigh about 120 pounds im slim but i am looking for a six pack in 1 month time what is good food to have and i watched the video but should i buy a supplement to help get abs quicker i have the money to spend a bit what one should i get and how often should i workout

  25. dhernandsd says:

    Im 16 and has just started working out my dad says i should take protein after a workout but not for a long time would this help build size?

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