

Going Back To The Basics: Some Good Core Exercises For Hard Gainers

When you’re new to bodybuilding, you need to stick to the basics.  By that I mean you need to avoid being pulled astray by supplement companies and you also need use basic compound exercises.  Most hard gainers don’t realize this and they’ll sit in the gym doing isolation exercises that won’t work well for them.  It’s best to stick to the three basic exercises with some slight variation.  They are: the deadlift, the bench press, and the squat.

The deadlift is a great exercise because it stresses nearly every part of your body.  Not only that, but it is so stressful on your musculoskeletal system tha your body will release testosterone when you do it.  This can help you make significant gains.  This is a back exercise at its core, but like I said before, it’ll work every part of your body.  It is very important for building core strength and setting a good foundation to pack muscle on.  I have to stress, however, that you keep good form when doing this lift.  It is possible to hurt yourself.  Wear a lifting belt if possible.

The bench press is another great exercise and is also one of the most popular.  I recommend doing this with freeweights if at all possible.  The bench press will work chest, triceps, shoulders, lats, and abdominals the most.  That means that it’ll hit pretty much every major muscle group in your upper body.  Your chest is also your most pronounced muscle so if you can bulk that up people will definitely notice.  The increase in lat and shoulder size will also make you look wider.  This is a fantastic lift that everyone should do.  Do note, however, that the dumbbell press is superior if done with proper form.  Once you build up some core strength, I suggest trying it out.

Many people hate squatting because it is so difficult.  Don’t let that dissuade you.  It, just like the deadlift, can release hormones that are essential for helping hard gainers put on weight.  The squat will primarily work out your lower body, but it does help with your back and and abdominals, which are used to stabilize the load.  In order to have that effect, you must use freeweights.  The squat is one of the fastest ways to put on weight because your legs can recover quickly and the quads are among the largest muscle group in your body.  If you plan to play football, this is also very important because it’ll greatly increase your pushing strength.

You can find more info for hard gainers right here!

Article from articlesbase.com

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