

How To Build Muscle and Muscle Building Workout Tips

Full article-jimmysmithtraining.com Expert trainer Jimmy Smith tells you how to build muscle and gives you muscle building workout tips. All too often people struggle in learning how to build muscle. These great muscle building workout tips will help you today. www.youtube.com Get the full article Join my Facebook fanpage= www.facebook.com

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  1. meyouandtub3 says:

    Hey jimmy, i have 18years old and i go to the gym for about 2 years now. At first I started with some easy workouts to get my body to get used to the muscle lifting, because i am a skinny guy. 6 months ago i started to lift heavy and to more intense workouts, and i also started to take protein shakes after my workouts. I was thinking of start to take Creatine, if you could message me some tips on how to take it, and for how long. People say once you stop you WILL lose weight. Thank u, grt vids

  2. S4pp3rs says:

    Great video. You know your stuff.

  3. Aesop70 says:

    thanks man

  4. jimmysmithtraining says:

    You sound like you’re doing everything ok. Just try to continually improve your total amount of reps.

  5. Aesop70 says:

    Hey man, quick question, i do push ups and i get fatigued before i even feel any type of burn or anything. I have tried doing them slowly, but its still the same. I do see muscle growth but i feel like it should be a little faster than its been. Any suggestions? Maybe im doing it right and just over thinking it, but any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.

  6. jimmysmithtraining says:

    Go with 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.

  7. midblake12 says:

    Hey Jimmy I am trying to get a better idea of what 40% of my daily macronutrients would be. I am 5’9 155 lbs and do endurance and weight training 4 days a week. About how many grams of protein would you recommend a day? Thanks man, very inspiring videos!

  8. MrMustanggt09 says:

    Helpful thanks

  9. jimmysmithtraining says:


  10. sonyjawz says:

    ” if your sister is over 18 tell them to holler at me ” hahahahaha

  11. jimmysmithtraining says:

    I’m actually rewriting it. It’ll be out in a few weeks!

  12. jimmysmithtraining says:

    You just have to keep pushing ahead man. Life is going to throw obstacles. It’s how you combat them and respond to them that counts.

  13. ethanblack31st says:

    Your videos are really great. I plan on referencing this one often. I have considered changing gym due to the number of older people who want to stand around and talk. Thus stealing my time and focus. I am very busy with both full time school and work and that has made it very hard for me to eat right or to get enough sleep. I work nights, so I have to sleep in the day time, I don’t think the quality of rest is as good. Any advice on these obstacles would be great. Thanks!

  14. muaythaisuperfights says:

    I’m from Ireland, i’ve got my own place here at the moment.
    I was watching your vid about cutting wieght (thats how i found your videos) would using a steam room be any better than using a sauna??? and read a bit about people adding stuff to the bath water when cutting weight??? people here and the UK are still pretty old school when it come’s to wieght theres so many people are running and spending time in the sauna the day before they fight.

  15. jarden69 says:

    Jimmy I also wanted to add that I DO workout with weights, and actually have been non-stop for 34 years, since I was 15. I know how to lift, and all the best exercises, but I must not be doing something right even after all this time because I still do not build good muscle and because I still have the big fat deposits on my chest and stomach that I haven’t been able to get rid of for the last 25 years. Please advise. Thanks.

  16. jarden69 says:

    Jimmy, do you still print and still your book “The Physique Formula”? I’m a 49 yr old, 5’6″ ECTOMORPH with skinny limbs and big fat deposits on my chest and stomach that for the life of me I just cannot lose. I also have trouble building and keying muscle. I feel like I’m in a no win situation in that if I go low carb I lose any muscle I have, and if I eat carbs they go right to my chest and stomach. I’ve had these fat deposits on me at least 25 years. I think there must be some hormone reason

  17. jimmysmithtraining says:

    Flies vs bench press for a pec stretch? There’s no comparison between the two for providing a good stretch. Flies all the way.

  18. jimmysmithtraining says:

    Thanks buddy! Where you training your MT these days? Agreed on the workouts getting stale. Feel free to chance it is but if, dips for example, are producing results why get rid of them?

  19. muaythaisuperfights says:

    Hey Jimmy, your videos are great man, i’m really like them, the presentation is always straight and to the point, i’ve been using the same workout for years and still find it as good as when i started doing it, the only problem i have with doing the same workout is it can get a little stale after a while.

  20. jimmysmithtraining says:

    I didn’t remove your comment but you gave me a thumbs down? Lame! Look up gluconeogensis. And no, you don’t need to eat every 3-4 hours.

  21. freewoodwebdesign says:

    why did you remove my comment? i asked a question and because you couldnt answer it you removed it!!! your body does not have a protein store fact!! why eat every 3-4 hours then??

  22. jimmysmithtraining says:

    Would you like more science behind it?

  23. jimmysmithtraining says:


  24. pixeltickler1 says:

    awesome info about stretching facia and protein – thanks!

  25. sixfootfourwarrior says:

    Yes but is there not some pressure on the Coracobrachialis during a fly that feels similar to a stretching sensation. Feel free to educate me as there seems to be much debate about the efficiency of flies vs a wide grip bench press

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