

How To Get Ripped Abs Fast

Learn how to get ripped abs fast – it is not just because of diet, training and genetics. To get ripped abs fast you need to add these few tips too or else you’ll never get a ripped body.
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  1. peedmaraps says:

    The best way to get abs is to cut down on carb intake, hit the treadmill for an hour 4 times a week. Then do your abs workout ie leg raises,weighted sit ups,planks and twists sttaight after.

  2. MrGunna007 says:

    nice work man

  3. Armylad2k10 says:

    swimming is the best thing for getting ripped, end of discussion!

  4. Nutbuster360 says:

    Ok…so if i were to eat regular pasta would that be bad? like if i were to eat that…and then do 2 hours of hardcore cardio…will i still get results? or no?

  5. vietguy808 says:

    @arezki8 true that

  6. vertigo9393 says:

    now for all of you out there that want to get Insanity 100% and want your ripped body as bad as i did, then send me a message and i will tell you how to get it 100% FREE and 100% working. Now if your thinking you need to pay any money or do some survey to get this your 100% wrong! just click download 😉 that easy! so send me a message and i will tell u how and where to get it

  7. vertigo9393 says:

    now what this guy is saying is true. however you have to work hard to get your abs and u cant do that by watching youtube videos looking for workouts to get you ripped. Highly impossible trust me i’ve been there and done that and not going back, joined his six pack quests but really didnt help me at all D=. So luckily i had gotten lucky and found out how to get INSANITY FREE!! trust me this works, and the best part it was 100% FREE!!

  8. arezki8 says:

    hahahah so true. so many fat lazy fucks reading this trying to find a way to do it without any hard work.

  9. sqwis says:

    you dont need to do cardio. this guy is a bigger moron phoney than zuzana….except zuzana has a better build than this guy.

  10. harmonizethelord9 says:

    Want to lose weight?- do cardio
    gain muscle? Weights
    grow taller- cardio/not too much weights
    get big- Have a good diet and eat heaps of healthy food like 2 plates of lunch and dinner and workout like 5 days at the gym stay away from junk food! And keep ur hair short not long you will look more ripped

  11. ChadTazz says:

    I just wanna LOSE FUCKING WEIGHT!!! someone got any tips or wateeerrewgfah

  12. rhcpguitarar says:

    I don’t think he can count at all…

  13. 06livefast says:

    @djgatlikedat having different routines that hit every area of your abdominals should help you get nice cuts after a month or two.. not to mention perfect diet on top of that.

  14. djgatlikedat says:

    @rompmyg u seem to no what to do how long will it take if i fallow this and a little extra for abs and thanks

  15. foxwright says:

    how to get ripped abs the marine way. . . .run for 6 miles. do 200 sit ups. do 500 crunches. each a lot of dead cow. . . . . thats it . . . just dont be a fat pussy and do it

  16. 1161741 says:

    @rompmyg you honestly dont know what your talking about

  17. catierandall says:

    @lorco25 agreed. actually, lactose is sugar. the translation of lactose is actually “milk sugar.”

  18. davross600 says:

    just eat lean meat with a serve of carrots, yams and broccoli, go for a walk in the morning before breakfast and train harder….thats all you need

  19. jwklbm326 says:

    Nice rack, dude.

  20. MJCINC says:

    Wtf r u talking about guy rite below me?? U need to do cardio to lose the bodyfat yes diet is important but how r u going to lose fat if the only thing u do is eat?

  21. Parkerni says:

    Abs require no cardio, or no direct ab work. I’m tired of hearing the same old bullshit. A low bodyfat is the key too abs. Get your diet in check before you worry about jogging 5 km a day or doing crunches.

  22. uberkewl19 says:

    the hard thing to get in shape is DISCIPLINE and MOTIVATION. We are all tempted to eat food that prevents us from getting in shape and sometimes lazy using excuses from exercising and workin out everyday.

  23. getmeoutofthehouse says:

    @hkbulldogz just drink str8 lq n dont raid the fridge after

  24. getmeoutofthehouse says:

    @hkbulldogz just drink str8 lq n dont raid the fridge after

  25. getmeoutofthehouse says:

    @hkbulldogz just drink str8 lq n dont raid the fridge after

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