

Muscle Building Tip – What is a Hard Gainer ?!???

SEE OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT www.2buildmusclefast.com “LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” www.facebook.com WE ARE NATURAL BODYBUILDERS AND DO NOT USE STEROIDS OR PRO HORMONES. OUR SUPPLEMENTS WE APPROVE OF ARE CREATINE WHEY PROTEIN & AND A GOOD PRE WORKOUT LIKE JACK3D OR SOMETHING SIMILAR THESE ARE PRODUCTS WE RECOMMEND FOR A FULL LIST OF OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND GO TO THE RECOMMENDED MUSCLE BUILDING SUPPLEMENTS TAB. We believe a majority of supplements being marketed to those looking to build muscle are bogus such as Glutamine BCAA (branch chain amino acids) waxy maize nitric oxide supplements. We believe they are all a waste of money. To build muscle concentrate on your muscle building routine your nutrition and get plenty of rest between your workouts and you will get the head turning results you are seeking!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Grab Your Muscle Building Plan Right Now at www.VinceDelMonteWorkout.com This Is TheSite That Includes The Most Powerful & Effective Muscle Building Workouts For Skinny Hard Gainers. You Are Guaranteed To Build Up To 41 Pounds Of Lean Muscle Mass In The Next 6 Months, Without Drugs, Bogus Supplements & Training Less Than Before. To Get A Selection Of Weight Training Workouts, Meal Plans, Supplement Recommendations & Cardio Plans, Visit Our Site http For more muscle building plan, visit the link above. More muscle building tips coming soon.

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  1. one72pjw says:

    jimmy struthers was a hard gainer but he went on this program and got 3 different supplements from gnc, man dude put on 15 lbs of muscle in a month

  2. Rotarrius says:

    @DBshufflers oh ok, thanks. He said it will be banned soon so i’ll have a look out of curiosity but i doubt i’ll try it.

  3. DBshufflers says:

    @Rotarrius jack3d, pre-workout supplement. look it up

  4. Rotarrius says:

    5:34 – “I take JACK”? Is that what he said? What’s Jack? Anybody?

  5. mikemagz says:

    I think Lautner was on the juice for twilight…he was pretty big..then got slim as fuck after

  6. gtslmfao says:

    I’ve gained about in 8 pounds in 4 months. I feel like I’m at a good rate, opinions?

  7. reallywantmusic says:

    i gained 20 pounds of fucking muscle in 3 months…………..you ain’t put on fuckin shit u mother fucker…….nice

  8. optimusprime105 says:

    At the end of the day, right…you can do whatever the FUCK!! you wanna do. lmao

  9. dennynua says:

    sick of that ad i dont want to go to the fuckin north

  10. dannyjingu says:

    I’m glad you guys adressed this topic, because I always thought using the excuse of being a hard gainer was a total cop out. I hear too many people complain that the reason they are getting nowhere in the gym is because they are a hard gainer, and then see they’re not giving it their all in the gym or eating fast food.

  11. BodySpammer says:

    I got 45lbs lean muscle in over 4 & 1/2. I agree with all you guys just said. It’s time, effort and dedication.

  12. i0973 says:

    1:57 fat as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKK, got a little carried away? it aint the outro yet

  13. HomicidalDavid says:

    They prob gained 20-25 lbs of muscle.

  14. HomicidalDavid says:

    @SmartAceHole82 I think he said tip your mushroom tip in old ladies.

  15. shiunsai671 says:

    I aint natural I take Jack3d man…..hahahahah

  16. jimhalpert23 says:

    I really wanna hear him say “You can do whatever the F you wanna do” in like a really calm voice one time. I think that would be hilarious.

  17. frozenwalkway says:

    what do you guys think of christian bales transformation from the almost dead skinny, in the machinist, to the buff batman begins body?

  18. thedeal610 says:

    anybody know their e-mail?

  19. Sivels says:

    @kevinmejia13 low carb diet and cardio.

  20. abercrombie457 says:

    i Iaugh everytime you do your ending lol

  21. blackiechan52 says:

    @SmartAceHole82 who cares man. at the end of the day you or them can do whatever the FUCK!!!…. you wanna do.

  22. Vdjperks says:

    hargainer doesn’t beat me lol

  23. slayerofdarkshadows says:

    uhm…where are the tips?

  24. 371terry says:

    @shylildude Hard looser lol

  25. 371terry says:

    @dustdust7 Hard gainers are people who have a hard time gaining fat and muscle. Therefore everyone who is fat is not a hard gainer.

  26. 371terry says:

    @HeadShotOwnage Fat people are not hard gainers, they are easy gainers, that’s why they are fat. Hard gainers don’t get fat no matter what they eat and how much. I eat like 3000+ calories a day and I am still skinny as fk >.>

  27. hillandweed says:

    smal sholders… you have to work on that

  28. minasabil says:

    im a hardgainer and i i saw progress when was training one muscle a day and leave the gym .dont do a diet y dont need it if y r a hardgainer y will still be ripped ..2 times per week cardio…that worked for me

  29. dustymahanmusic says:

    Heres a tip for hardgainers,dont watch this guys workout videos.

  30. dustdust7 says:

    everybody is a hard gainer.

  31. HeadShotOwnage says:

    @johndoeshar don’t forget chinups or pull ups.

  32. HeadShotOwnage says:

    @JobeMinacum Look up these exercises for triceps: Close grip bench press, triangle pushups, skull crushers, tricep pushdowns, even dips…..anyway hope this helps.

  33. HeadShotOwnage says:

    fat people can be hardgainers.

  34. oatmealpizza4u says:

    how is this tips for hard gainers….this is pointless

  35. shylildude says:

    what do you call a person who has a hard time losing fat?

  36. neometalx9 says:

    @delmar1985 steroids makes your balls shrink, worth it? nah

  37. jgrant1291 says:

    @HITpadawan man story of my life right now

  38. mrfitness123 says:

    @JobeMinacum Hello, send me a private message to my channel, its easier for me to answer if im on the go with my phone and such. And easier to navigate instead of sifting through all of these comments!

  39. JobeMinacum says:

    @mrfitness123 I have a question! I want to get bigger arms, but tricep exercises are so hard to find… Do you know of any that would build muscle? (not just tricep, bicep too).. thanks

  40. mrfitness123 says:

    @johndoeshar bodyweight, you are limited to pushups, dips, crunches. Id suggest you go right to the weights with a very basic program. Message me if you have any questions.

  41. johndoeshar says:

    hey, what kind of bodyweight exercises do u propose for me to prepare for the weights. I weight 125lbs , 16yrs 5″5

  42. delmar1985 says:

    just take steroids all you hard gainers

  43. FZRichTSIAWD says:

    cool vid man thanks

  44. mrfitness123 says:

    Hey everyone. If you have questions, feel free to message me if you want to. Just throwing it out there 😉

  45. smokesar says:

    yo send me ur tips plz

  46. garciaj0509 says:

    you are a very good teacher and i want to thank you for your info my brother….

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