

Six Pack Abs – Lose Belly Fat Fast

Visit sixpackabs4you.org If you want to lose belly fat, and get Your perfect six pack abs. Follow the exact same methods I used to get six pack abs and burn belly fat. Distributed by Tubemogul.

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  1. MrThenextrayallen says:

    17530 men liked and did this workout

  2. aeste74 says:

    nippless <3

  3. FakeDicck says:

    can ibang u in that position sexy lady? <3

  4. MrMslovemusic2 says:

    @1xXxIceGirlxXx1 i didnt know that lol but thanks..and well i dont drink green tea all the time because I am skinny already and i dont want to lose weight..i donly drink it now when my belly gets bigg.

  5. 1xXxIceGirlxXx1 says:

    @MrMslovemusic2 you know , its hard for your body to absorb the iron if you drink alot of tea .. leading to anemia ..

  6. SuperNichkun21 says:

    @ducksgonewild6294 Oh FUCK ! Shoud Have Not..

  7. ducksgonewild6294 says:

    @SuperNichkun21 Why are you telling her, maybe she didnt notice. She does now and will change it.

  8. jalekastheking says:

    Nice tits

  9. 234maxima says:

    thats hotttttttttt

  10. MrMslovemusic2 says:

    @1xXxIceGirlxXx1 in what way?

  11. 1xXxIceGirlxXx1 says:

    @MrMslovemusic2 thank you soooo much :)) one more question ^.^ did it affect your blood / iron equally ??

  12. MrMslovemusic2 says:

    @1xXxIceGirlxXx1 I usually drink one in the morning and one at night..after i eat..i wait for my food to settle first because I want my body to absorb some food first..and then i drink the tea..i also drink it when i see that my belly bloats and i saw that it helps a lot..you should try it and see how it goes because my sister who gained weight is drinking it and i can totally see a huge difference in her belly..good luck =)

  13. 1xXxIceGirlxXx1 says:

    @MrMslovemusic2 this is amazing .. im sooo gonna try it .. but how many cups a day do u drink ?? 😀

  14. MrNeo369 says:

    i find this easy to masturbate to

  15. caboose365 says:

    she just quoted scooby1961s’ crunches video almost word for word. wtf.

  16. MrMslovemusic2 says:

    @1xXxIceGirlxXx1 hmm i think for 3 weeks…usually my belly gets bloated and since i drink green tea every time i get bloated I have seen that my belly has gotten flatter =D no joke..even my sister( she gained a lot of weight) and I can totally see her belly fat is shrinking because she started to drink green tea a weak ago..=) like me..i think i need to tone it so it does not jigle lol..

  17. 1xXxIceGirlxXx1 says:

    @MrMslovemusic2 really ?? green tea ?? how long have you been drinking it ??

  18. MrMslovemusic2 says:

    @1xXxIceGirlxXx1 if i do cardio i will get skinnier and i don’t want that because i am too skinny..but i have been drinking green tea and it has helped a lot. =)

  19. 1xXxIceGirlxXx1 says:

    @MrMslovemusic2 crunches dont work for fat .. believe me ( personal experience ) just do cardio and it’ll work 🙂

  20. 92lude3 says:

    price 5 repeatedly 😉

  21. TheGuinnessboys says:

    Hoochie MA MA!

  22. WriterWolf92 says:

    She has really nice abs so nice that it distracted my eyes from her breast lol

  23. tessarolly says:

    Sorry lady but i wasn’t even looking at your abs i was looking at your twins

  24. foxy4you1 says:

    @TooMuchForADiva sure they work but you should also have a balanced diet, great FREE Report just click on the link under the video sign up and you will instantly receive the download for Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body, by Mike Geary (a $17.99 value) try it so many raving reviews for that report 🙂

  25. NottyGurlStyle says:

    how many sets should you do?

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