

What To Eat To Gain Muscle, Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle Mass

HERE! The Link MuscleGainProgram.com What To Eat To Gain Muscle, Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle Mass Do you obsess about what to eat to gain muscle? Usually when I tell people that they can relax and stop worrying so much about what they are eating, I get confused looks. Here is the thing, probably the biggest fitness industry money makers is in telling people what to eat in order to market super solutions suggest you will gain muscle fast. Unfortunately building muscle mass quickly is not really about what you eat but in how you workout the muscles. Food simply is not as critical to build muscle as the fitness magazines would like you to think. How much you eat, can certainly have ramifications on your body fat percentage, but diet is more about fat weight than actually gaining muscle. By focusing on what to eat to gain muscle you are just making yourself miserable. Keep in mind that we are speaking of gaining lean muscle mass not overall body mass which includes fat. If you just want have a bigger body, then go ahead and eat until the cows come home… just consume tons calories. But it will be fat weight that you gain, and I do not think that is really what you desire. Most people are trying to build an athletic muscular body with a sexy six pack. It is often difficult to change peoples conception of the fitness magazine ads along with their hype concerning muscle gain. They always seem to be talking about what to eat to gain muscle and how often to eat- this is mostly
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Spartan Muscle presents a simple total body workout anywhere! Build core strength, increase muscular endurance, and gain lean muscle mass. Do this in your hotel, outside, in your living room, on your lunch break, on a football field, do it anywhere! All you need is 20 minutes and some intensity.

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13 pings

  1. MuscleGainSystem says:

    Thank U!!! hope you like my others videos! 🙂

  2. bigmantok1 says:

    You are the greatest. Why dont you have a million views yet

  3. MuscleGainSystem says:

    thank you!!!
    i hope you like my others videos! 🙂

  4. TheTiogoro says:

    great video! THX!

  5. gooselpez says:


  6. BARLES1 says:

    This starts like a low budget Porno

  7. Liam Green says:

    guess not

  8. Liam Green says:

    is comment approval on?

  9. mabalasik1982 says:

    The video is great. Now I know that I can do my owrkout anywhere so body building is just around the corner. I do know a link of a site that gives information and workout plans that you could follow in gaining lean muscles and achieving the lean muscular look. The best thing its FREE. Youtube won’t allow me to post the link but you can check it on my profile. Anyone interested kindly check it there.

  10. MrSmilesncries says:

    good music. name of the song?…anyone..

  11. mrsbilleyjoe says:

    i do like treble this every morning and im still fat ,,,, amazing workout but i eat shit food ,,, hense ruining all my hard work ,, yey me

  12. Indieboy12 says:

    omg it was hard enough doing it all once lol great work out though

  13. CoolRaul28 says:

    good circuit!

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