

How To Build Lean Muscle Fast For Skinny Guys

www.WeightGainMethod.com -► Discover How To Gain Weight Fast! In this video I’ll explain how to build lean muscle fast — especially if you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain weight. As a skinny guy you might not even be 100% sure if you CAN build lean muscle fast. So I’d just like to reassure you that YES, you can. When I first attempted to build muscle I weighed just 142 pounds at 6 foot 2. I was extremely skinny! Today I weigh a healthy 205 pounds. That’s a 63-pound gain! Now if I can gain 63 pounds of lean muscle using the methods I’m about to show you, do you think you can at least do half of that? Easily! Anyone can gain 30+ pounds of muscle. It all depends on how bad you want it and how disciplined you can be. So let’s get into it. How do you build lean muscle fast? I’ll cover the 3 key areas you need to focus on to start gaining muscle mass #1 Eat More Calories Than Your Body Burns – 20 x your bodyweight… And that equals the total number – Eat 6 meals a day #2 Lift Heavy Weights – Focus on compound lifts. – Work in the 2 — 10 rep range. – Keep your workout under 60 minutes. #3 Get Enough Rest To Allow Your Muscles To Grow So how can you make sure you’re getting enough rest? – Get 8 hours of sleep each night. – Never train 2 days in a row. And if you want to get more info about how to gain weight and build muscle fast, go to www.WeightGainMethod.com – and I’ll see ya there.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 pings

  1. milksplash777 says:

    what are the best meals? to eat?

  2. GamerDude197 says:

    does ones body release cortisol after 60 minutes of working one one muscle group. or does it release cortisol no matter which muscles ur working on?

  3. 94grapevine94 says:

    It helps, and it helps more… womans and more womansss

  4. GerrettJihad says:

    I went from 130 lbs, to 210 in 3 months. haha that was awsome for me, but now I am 180 but I stoped working out, but I am going to start again and get up to 220.

  5. xxsladedethxx says:

    @zishan6 it does trust me, this guys not a bullshitter

  6. zishan6 says:

    @xxsladedethxx please tell me something worked man

  7. thebayvideo1 says:

    i want to get stronger but at the same time i dont want to get slower at running what should i do

  8. SyedHaseebBillawal says:

    my w8 is 55-60 kg….So wat shud b my routine? To gain weight and muscles?

  9. SyedHaseebBillawal says:

    my w8 is 55-60 kg….So wat shud b my routine? To gain weight and muscles?

  10. 612AMMAR612 says:

    27,000th viewer 😀

  11. saiahznightz says:

    so i would train mon,wed,friday

  12. alexxo92 says:

    Hey jeff the link to buy your guide isint working btw 🙂 keep up the videos!

  13. laxedskater009 says:

    im 16, 5’9, and 140 pounds, im pretty average in size, so i hope this works out well.

  14. MarkAndrei08 says:

    This video is very helpful specifically to skinny guys. I used to be one but didn’t aim for that puffy or bloated look. Skinny guys can easily gain the “lean, muscular look” instead.

    I’ve found this helpful site but Youtube wont allow me to post the link. You can check out my profile, hope this could help.

  15. dudethatisawesome1 says:

    I am 18, 6’1″ and weigh about 140. A year ago I recovered from a drug problem and put on 20 pounds from when i was still 6’1 and 120 pounds. I feel like i can eat like a mad man, and I wont put on weight. I have no money, and I have a small stomach, and have a really hard time eating a lot because of bad habits. I feel like putting on muscle would be impossible because it is so hard for me to gain weight. any tips?

  16. mabalasik1982 says:

    This video gives us information in gaining muscles but it won’t assure you could get the body and appearance you ever wanted. I do find an interesting link that offers the best stuff in building lean muscle and the looks most of us ever wanted.I thought it might help some of you cause for me it works. Youtube won’t allow me to post the link of the site but you can check it on my profile.

  17. CableMayo says:

    nice vid

  18. MasterPakistanNauman says:


  19. kenrondo says:

    i can’t seem to eat 6 meals a day , the most i can eat per day is 4 meals per day . the reason is i dun seem to have enough money to eat 6 meals

  20. TheUzumaki7 says:

    @MrMuzzyx Kid you’re 12. Dont even bother workin out, till u get 2 18, because otherwise ur be a complete short ass wen ur older, because it stunts you’re growth

  21. TheUzumaki7 says:

    This guy is great. It actually works i tryed eatin just 5 meals a day. I made sure atleast 1 of the those meals is packed wid carbrohdrates like big plate of pasta. then make sure 2 of those meals r packed wid alot protein like 3 eggs, beef and stuff like that. work out heavly ATLEAST 3 times a week probly better 2 do 4, make sure ur muscles fail tho. it should hurt workin up and down the stairs infact after u worked out ur legs. I packed on 5lbs in the first week of doing it, no shit

  22. sagetajr says:

    is it ok to work out every other day ….

  23. jerome34895 says:

    @xxsladedethxx You’er not the only one who has that problem

  24. MrErictheForman says:

    No joke I am 6′ 2″ and 142 lbs just like this guy, I hope I get the same results.

  25. MrMuzzyx says:

    @PartyPoisonV1 Thanks for the tip me lovely ;DDD

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