

Gain Muscle Fast / Bicep Peaks

Gain muscle fast while your bicep peaks Grow. Go to BuildMuscleBurnFat.info my FREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL! BuildMuscleBurnFat.info When you Download the FREE workout plan it will contain WORKOUT VIDEOS (that you can put on you iPod!) and the FREE fitness and nutrition ebook The Ultimate Fitness…

for more muscle building tips www.2buildmusclefast.com in this video we discuss why training splits are best to build muscle and get bigger. However you take steroids training splits are not needed because you will recovery faster than natural bodybuilders. We like training splits because it allows you to be in the gym a lot but still get the rest you need to build muscle and get bigger fast. Training splits are best especially if you are skinny ectomorph and or you have a fast metabolism. Training splits allow you to get in the gym and out fast which lowers cortisol production in the body. Cortisol breaks down muscle as energy somehting you do not want!!!    Gain muscle fast and build bicep peaks

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  1. Putchul says:

    @ 313 quack: u r right man, they are just haters. Nice workouts.

  2. hobeeorchid says:

    @carleswan1 before he was arrested for DUI

  3. carleswan1 says:

    Prison workout? This dude has a BA from Howard University…

  4. MrDavidDux says:

    youre bald. you have no hair

  5. BigDawg515 says:

    @latinpapie troll….. more than likely ur a fat azz anyway it’s ok we understand u dont have anything better to do

  6. 25rushh says:

    thanks man nice worout

  7. 313quack says:

    This man takes time out his day to show mf how to work out and people leave negative comments if you know how to do the workout why are you watching him do it..miserable mf’s

  8. DiGiTaLdAzEDM says:

    @latinpapie Well, I don’t agree as I have used the 21s exercise many times–it is very effective at working the biceps to total failure.

  9. DiGiTaLdAzEDM says:

    I have had tendonitis (inner elbow) from weight training in the past which put a stop to lifting for many months. I am now weight training again, and am considering to use neoprene elbow braces during certain exercises like biceps curls (which I believe may have caused my tendonitis) when doing the most strenuous work–as a protective measure. Kind of like using a weight belt for dead lifts and squats . Is this a good approach? I am presently injury free.

  10. damelt88 says:

    @DraGon8044 reverse curls focus on the upper forearm and the bicep not the tricep

  11. KM100805 says:

    @latinpapie So what if it is a prison workout. It still tones you out. You can do other workout besides what he is doing to gain bigger muscles. I guess bench pressing, dumbbells, and push-ups are prison workout, cause that what they do in prison.

  12. DraGon8044 says:

    3rd one is tricep exercise..

  13. Shi7Disc0 says:

    @latinpapie That dude looks pretty jacked. Id have no problem doing what hes doing.

  14. wizardzwish says:

    @latinpapie this is amazing workout.

  15. latinpapie says:

    Bunch of nigger drama! These workouts look like prison moron workouts this shit don’t work! People read FLEX if you really want to gain size!!!

  16. YoungBenWPG says:

    Lol u fucking idiot..
    I’ve switched to this bicep workout and the results were amazing. Probably one of the best bicep workouts.

  17. kairen5443 says:

    His muscle soo beautiful

  18. latinpapie says:

    Dude this workout is garbage!!! What serious body builder in flex magazine ever mention this garbage? Never!!!

  19. platanom3n says:

    lol i love this guy

  20. ZxOxMxBxOxMxB says:

    so doing that exact workout can get me bigger biceps right? nothing else? besides of course eating right

  21. Element11Dark says:


  22. JAZZSTARish says:

    “Aight so..(claps)…you wanna get a grip like so..don’t be a cheetah on dis…so um..getcha a nice grip on dis set(claps) what we gunna do 21’s (claps) dis is realer than real deal holyfield.”

    Great video though.

  23. MrBlackheart05 says:

    You talk like you are on MTV cribs! Yo check it! Some 21 on these reps 90 sec rest 3 set

  24. mckinley1175 says:

    Aww ima have to try this instead of what I have been doing something new.

  25. lukemorgan72 says:

    so when do you work abs?

  26. PowerToTheFlowers says:

    Its not good to take on steroids..
    As a matter of fact, the secret is just
    through proper nutritional diet. Let
    me suggest you this site:
    Ive been using it for about 5wks
    now and my body is a lot more
    bigger and muscular..Check that
    site out dude!

  27. JustElijah says:

    @human417 That hasn’t started yet. They didn’t do it from the beginning.

  28. Splinterfax1 says:

    why the fuck am i getting anti wrinkle cream adverts before this video, this is some o’the manliest shit on the tube, wrong audience!

  29. Lakaiiiiii says:

    @ironlungdtoker depends on the amount of sets and reps

  30. ironlungdtoker says:

    @Lakaiiiiii but then you only do each thing 4 times a month .. is that enuff ? i really dont know too much about this shit

  31. MsCankersore says:

    Efficent? lol

  32. Bak3dB3an says:

    Is there a similar routine for people who can’t afford the gym to do at home?

  33. brozac1011 says:

    How bout the abs you didn’t mention during when to train abs. Is it another day or should I add it in one of my upper body days?

  34. 89cfranko says:

    so you are saying that you are only gonna work out each muscle once every week?

  35. fuckoffno says:

    @210emokid retard lol

  36. adjeast says:

    @human417 i think this is old video, the outro is the new video ;)

  37. 210emokid says:

    If your a power lifter its better to do 8-12 reps and 4 sets each muscle group to build muscle

  38. CNSproductions14 says:

    @buttonzlol 3 reps of 5 right? just to be 100% thats my problem i have no clue to what reps and sets to do

  39. MarkGorelik says:

    U guys r awesome!

  40. buttonzlol says:

    M- Squat 3×5 Bench 3×5 Deadlift 1×5
    W- Squat 3×5 Inc Bench 3×5 Power clean 5×3
    F- Squat 3×5 Bench 3×5 Deadlift 1×5
    Increase weight on everything by intervals of 5lbs once able to do full 3×5 cept deadlifts u add 15lbs
    Do this untill ur at approx bench-225lbs Squat-315lbs Deadlift 405lbs
    Good luck

  41. human417 says:

    where is the I could do whatever the fuck I wanna do?

  42. TheCoolestCanadien says:

    @Wowblogger You forgot chest?

  43. rajdwip478 says:

    Oh hello! Have you ever tried – fast abs magic (do a search on google)? Ive heard some unbelivable things about it and my mate got hot 6 pack abs and lost lots of weight with it.

  44. rajdwip478 says:

    Oh hello! Have you ever tried – fast abs magic (do a search on google)? Ive heard some unbelivable things about it and my mate got hot 6 pack abs and lost lots of weight with it.

  45. staker222 says:

    i presume you mean chest rather than back there

    sounds ok but 4 day would be better, have a day for shoulders 

  46. Wowblogger says:

    I’m doing:
    M – Back and Tris
    W – Legs abs and shoulders
    F – Biceps and back
    how’s that sound?

  47. NirvanoVai says:


  48. MrCalculus999 says:

    these are pretty boys but this is good ideas

  49. TheFreshbum says:

    hey @twinmuscleworkout

    I’m always afraid I rest even too long. Because I hardly ever have muscle pain so I like to rest two days inbetween the workouts of a bodypart.

    I would love to split more (say have 4 or even 5 different musclepart days) does that make sense in my case?

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