

How To Bodybuild – Tips And Secrets For the Hard Mass Gainer

To build muscle for the hard mass gainer, you’re going to need to lift heavy, have a great diet and eat a lot. Make some great muscle gains with help from a personal trainer in this free video on how to bodybuild. Expert: Stephen Callahan Bio: Steve Callahan is a personal trainer at Power & Physique Gym in Tucson, Arizona. Filmmaker: Antonio Villagomez
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Scott writes in to us and wants to know what smaller guys can do to build their physique with no equip and minimal time
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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  1. blackasian1234 says:

    good tips, too bad he doesn’t follow any of them himself

  2. twentytwo4lyfe says:

    ohhhh so I gotta put food in my mouth.. and lift some weights?? Idk what I was thinking. thanks small guy who is benching 135 and drinking the shittiest protein on the planet. Mr. O, here I come.

  3. esca8652 says:

    Those dumbbell flies always tend to wear out my triceps before I can get any real exercise to my chest.

  4. jason75 says:

    This dude isn’t big, he isnt going heavy

  5. MrSvR07 says:

    Just follow this

    work out hard
    eat alot protein
    rest and sleep

  6. cstritz says:

    Awesome vid. But.. It should be noted that as a hardgainer CALORIES ARE YOUR FRIEND! While protein is believed to be the most important part of a weight gaining diet most people do not realize it is very thermic which means that for your body to process the protein it has to burn a lot of calories. Do not over-do the protein and always stick to proteins that are broken down quickly such as whey; casein is not for hardgainers. Pack on the calories and good luck!

  7. coreakuma says:

    Being that I am a hard gainer myself, i found this video very informative and relieving. I’ve heard so many myths that I barely followed that could’ve got me hurt. To actually hear from someone who knows what they are doing. is as I previously stated……. relieving.

  8. professionalblogger says:


    The video creator doesn’t say that you “NEED” supplements. He says that they will help you gain an extra 10%, what is what I have actually heard before. Without proper diet and exercise, supps. don’t do anything but eat away at your wallet.

    As for gym equipment, I don’t believe it’s necessary. The P90X is an awesome program that hardgainers can used to put on mass. Yes. P90X is seen as a get lean plan, but if you eat the correct amount of food, you will put on mass.

  9. IgorDraskovic says:

    What kind of miss information are you feeding people? Why do you say that some one needs supplements and expensive gym equipment and memberships to gain mass? Most of the guys who are serious lifters are in the free weights section anyway. All you need is some dumbbells, barbells and a mirror.

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