

The Best Way To Gain Weight For Skinny Guys – 3 Important Tips

www.WeightGainMethod.com -► Discover How To Gain Weight Fast! In this video I talk about the best way to gain weight. Some guys ask the question, “What is the best way to gain weight, is there a certain supplement I should take… is there a certain food I should eat…? And you can ask these questions independently and get an answer… but the truth is, I always like to tell people, it’s a combination of things. There’s no one supplement that you’re going to take – or even a combination of supplements that’s just going to magically help you gain weight. There’s no one food that’s going to make you gain weight either. It’s going to be a combination your diet, your workout program, and a lot of other little things that go in between. So it really is a combination of things that work synergistically together that help your body put on muscle mass. Let’s talk about some of those things. So obviously you’re going to need to hit the gym. If you want to gain weight, gaining weight means gaining muscle mass, and that means lifting heavy weights. Specifically you want to do compound exercises that involve more than one muscle group. So things like the bench press, squats, stiff legged deadliest, barbell rows, things like that – that involve more than one muscle group is going to stimulate a lot of muscle fiber, increase growth hormone, testosterone, and get your hormones really pumping. So that’s big tip number one, if you’re not already using compound lifts in the gym, focus

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  1. gobucks201x says:

    have you ever taken a biology course? your appetite has nothing to do with how much you “work out”. it has everything to do with the amount of insulin and glucose in your body, which is affected by carbohydrates. more carbohydrates = bigger appetite.

  2. limepirate says:

    Below average genetics? what the fuck?

  3. UnderR0ath says:

    I’m 16. 5’09” I weigh 150 and I workout every other day during the week! Any tips I could use? Thanks.

  4. fuckwackemcees says:

    This guy speaks the absolute truth and he gets down voted. He’s obviously not ‘overtraining’ if he’s improving – more workouts per week=bigger appetite.

  5. FallenExify says:

    That motivated me, anymore tips?

  6. fuckwackemcees says:

    PROTIP: Never take advice from someone who is mediocre at something. This guy is not big, therefore, he cannot be taken seriously. If you’re skinny lift more and eat more, it’s simple. It’s the exact opposite of being fat, fat people think they don’t eat that much, skinny people think they eat a lot. I’ve thrown up from overeating many times, if you’ve never come close you’re not trying to gain weight – you’re looking for an easy fix.

  7. Kieranmusic89 says:

    Synergystically….HELLLLLUVA word!

  8. aanathan0 says:

    6’4 145, Doctor called me a freak. Perfectly healthy.

  9. 514xyz says:

    3 days straight up ? plz let me know tnx

  10. nadjiguemar1 says:


  11. KillaC28 says:

    18 years old 5’11 and 140

  12. GambitCretu says:

    18 years old and 123.8 pounds, it sucks

  13. madalynandermanngn says:

    Its still surprises me, just how lot of people are not aware about Kinovelax Diet Plan (search on google), although a lot of people get great results because of it. Thanks to my sister who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I have lost plenty of weight by using it without starving myself.

  14. shantellepaulifw says:

    Its still surprise me, how many people do not know about Kinovelax Diet Plan (do a search on google), despite the fact that a lot of people get great results because of it. Thanks to my cousin who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I have lost a lot of weight with it without starving myself.

  15. shantellepaulifw says:

    It still surprises me, just how many people have no idea about Kinovelax Diet Plan (do a google search), even though lots of people get good result because of it. Thanks to my mate who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost plenty of weight by using it without starving myself.

  16. puertoricanXX23XX says:

    94×20=1880 OK lets do this!

  17. shantellepaulifw says:

    This still surprises me, just how lot of people are not aware about Kinovelax Diet Plan (search on google), even though a lot of people get great result with it. Thanks to my sister who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost a lot of weight by using it without starving myself.

  18. shantellepaulifw says:

    Hi! Thanks a lot for this useful video. By the way, I notice a lot of people keep on talking about Kinovelax Diet Plan (search on google), but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you considered Kinovelax Diet Plan? I have heard many awesome things about it and my cooworker lost a lot of weight with it, but she refuses to tell me 🙁

  19. renwarsuper says:

    we usually measure our weight in stones or pounds

  20. TheJosh375 says:

    pounds generally

  21. smokinacesxxx says:

    if u go to the gym 6 times a week u are over training keep it 3 days.

  22. smokinacesxxx says:

    what are talking about? if you need 3000 calories you aim for 500 calories per meal.6 meals per day.

  23. Smithter152 says:

    What measurement in weight?! Like stone, kg, pounds etc?
    (from UK) everyone measures weight differently to us! haha!

  24. connordoc3 says:


  25. lilmikey23333 says:

    quick question man..if i need to eat 3000 calories and i look at a can of peanuts or somthing and on it saids like 250 just saying do i need to eat that whole thing? lol thanx

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